Learning the alphabet for a new language can be challenging, but thisapp helps you learn words, and names of the alphabet without having to go through tedious processes like learning the alphabet one by one. With the help of this app, people learn foreign languages daily; there is now a c...
Communications code words for the alphabetAlpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu ...
简介 Do you have a complex name, a password or an email address to explain over the phone? This app will save you the struggle of remembering words for each letter. Simply enter the text you need to spell out — and read the spelling from the screen. ...
Let’s try reading some more difficult words, and we can practice this rule. If you get stuck, remember to ignore the placeholder if it exists before a vowel and just read top to bottom and left to right as you normally do! Ready? Let’s go for Round 2! Look at the words written...
Rr A rabbit on the phone. 一只正在打电话的兔子。 Ss A spider spinning. 一只正在吐丝织网的蜘蛛。 Tt A turtle winning. 一只赢得比赛的乌龟。 Uu A unicorn swaying. 一只摆来摆去(正在跳舞)的独角兽。 Vv A violin playing. 一把正在演奏的小提琴。
The standard words and combination of words used for each of the letters in the alphabet during radio transmissions. This ensures that letters are not misunderstood during radio reception. These are agreed upon internationally and are followed worldwide. SeeInternational Phonetic Alphabet. ...
iPhone Descripción Do you have a complex name, a password or an email address to explain over the phone? This app will save you the struggle of remembering words for each letter. Simply enter the text you need to spell out — and read the spelling from the screen. ...
A list of standard words used to identify letters in a message transmitted by radio or telephone. The following are the authorized words, listed in order, for each letter in the alphabet: ALFA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, ECHO, FOXTROT, GOLF, HOTEL, INDIA, JULIETT, KILO, LIMA, MIKE, NOVEMBER...
Unless you have the latest technology, some letters sound very similar over the telephone for example "F" and "S" and "B" AND "P". If you don't check key details you can misspell critical words, such as the customer's name, address or here in the UK their postal code which is ...
For convenience, during this lesson, we learn without the “ㅇ”. Just be aware of it when reading the example words we give. Korean Vowel #1 isㅏ ㅏ a [a] makes the same sound as the a at the end of santa.Play차is pronouncedchawhich meanscar. ...