网络毒素 网络释义 1. 毒素 中英文医学术语(2) ... α淀粉酶 alpha-Amylase α毒素alpha-Toxinα二氟甲基鸟氨酸 alpha-Difluoromethylornithine ...|基于5个网页
alpha toxin 【医】 α毒素(魏氏梭状芽胞杆菌的毒素)相关短语 Actispray (抗菌素) 放线菌酮 capsomere (病毒) 外壳单体 phage (病毒) 噬菌体 phage cross (病毒) 噬菌体交配 meningorecurrence (梅毒) 脑膜再发 anisometric particle (病毒) 不等轴颗粒 arbovirus (病毒) 虫媒病毒 witherite (毒重石) 碳酸...
Alpha-toxin is acytolysinthat is produced by mostS. aureusstrains (Bhakdi and Tranum-Jensen, 1991). While it is not lytic to humanneutrophils(Valeva et al., 1997), it lyses a series of other cell types including macrophages and erythrocytes. The cytolytic activity of alpha-toxin is depen...
Define Alpha toxin. Alpha toxin synonyms, Alpha toxin pronunciation, Alpha toxin translation, English dictionary definition of Alpha toxin. n. 1. The first letter of the Greek alphabet. See Table at alphabet. 2. The first of a series; the beginning. 3. A
AlphaToxin 戰地快報 AlphaToxin 僅跟好友分享。 戰士 [NTMC] AlphaToxin AlphaToxin 製作團隊 Frostbite技術提供 硬體夥伴 歐洲 北美 ESRB 17+ Blood and Gore Intense Violence Strong Language 除非明確標明,本遊戲與任何武器、載具或裝備製造商沒有從屬關係、贊助關係或支持背書關係。 © 2015 ...
ChemicalBook 致力于为化学行业用户提供抗 ALPHA-TOXIN/HLY POLYCLONAL 抗体(一抗)的性质、化学式、分子式、比重、密度,同时也包括抗 ALPHA-TOXIN/HLY POLYCLONAL 抗体(一抗)的沸点、熔点、MSDS、用途、作用、毒性、价格、生产厂家、用途、上游原料、下游产品等信息。
英文: Expression of alpha-toxin gene of Clostridium perfringens type A and its primary immunological protective function 中文: A型产气荚膜梭菌α毒素基因表达及其免疫保护作用的初步研究更详细... 英文: High-Level Expression of Fusion Gene of Closrtidium perfringens of Alpha-Toxin and Beta-Toxin ...
Caiazza,NC,O’Toole,GA.Alpha-toxin is required for biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus.Journal of Bacteriology. 2003Caiazza, N. C., and O'Toole, G. A. (2003) Alpha-toxin is required for biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 185, 3214 -3217...
Alpha-toxin Amm8u00A0 Protein, Androctonus mauritanicus, Recombinant (His & Myc)|ALPHA-TOXIN AMM8U00A0, ANDROCTONUS MAURITANICUS, 重组蛋白 (HIS & MYC) 基本信息更多 中文名称:ALPHA-TOXIN AMM8U00A0, ANDROCTONUS MAURITANICUS, 重组蛋白 (HIS & MYC) 中文同义词: ALPHA-TOXIN AMM8U00A0, ...
品牌:TargetMol 厂商性质:生产商 产地类别:进口 产地:美国 货期:现货 服务地域:全国 规格:3 近期咨询:0 Alpha-toxin Amm8 Protein, Androctonus mauritanicus, Recombinant (His & Myc) is expressed in Baculovirus insect cells withTargetMol中国 加入购物车 获取底价 在线咨询 400-6699-117 转1000AI...