The present invention relates to polynucleotide and polypeptide molecules for mammalian secreted alpha helical protein-31 (zalpha31). The polypeptides, and polynucleotides encoding them, are a novel four-helix bundle cytokine and may be used to regulate the functioning of the immune system. The ...
A membrane-bound vesicular network in the cell important for protein processing and sorting to different destinations, including secretion from the cell. Hydrogel A network of hydrophilic polymer chains forming an aqueous colloidal gel. A measure of the concentration of ions in solution. ...
1.alpha helix 螺旋;开始螺旋线 2.alpha-helix protein 螺旋蛋白质 3.alpha-helix confirmation 螺旋构象 4.Taipan-Helix-Alpha 大攀蛇 5.python-Helix-Alpha 蟒蛇 6.Anaconda-Helix-Alpha 巨蟒用法例句 1. The alpha helix is found in muscle protein and keratin. α螺旋存在于肌肉蛋白和角蛋白中。相邻...
The term alpha helix was coined by William Astbury in the 1930s. Linus Pauling worked out the structure accurately in 1948. See also Amino Acid Oligopeptide Peptide Polypeptide Protein Secondary Structure (Protein) This is a preview of subscription content,log in via an institutionto check access....
Dhydrogen bonds form between a purine and pyrimidine base on the same strand. Submit α−Helix is found in ADNA BRNA CLipid DProtein Submit DNA is double helix and: Acomplementary and antiparallel Bcomplementary and parallel Cwithout supercoils ...
An alpha helix structure is a type of secondary structure in a protein. In an alpha helix the polypeptide chain twists like a spiral via hydrogen bonding between the amino acids. Which amino acids are found in alpha helix? The amino acids that have a high probability of being found in an...
Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia alpha helix n. A secondary structure of proteins, characterized by a single, spiral chain of amino acids stabilized by hydrogen bonds. [Fromalpha-form,the form taken by unstretched protein molecules.] al′pha-hel′i·cal(-hĕl′ĭ-kəl, -hē′lĭ-)adj....
Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Alpha-helix:Beta-sheet alpha helix n. A secondary structure of proteins, characterized by a single, spiral chain of amino acids stabilized by hydrogen bonds. [Fromalpha-form,the form taken by unstretched protein molecules.] ...
protein may be normally membrane-associated (Fig. 1Davidson et al., 1998). The seven repeat KTKEGV alpha helix motif in the N-terminus is in fact commonly found in the lipid-binding domain ofapolipoproteins(Segrest et al., 1992). The two mutations in the protein associated withParkinson'...
This section provides a quick introduction of protein secondary structures, alpha helix and beta sheet. Both structures are stabilized by hydrogen bonds between oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms of two amino acid residues lined up side by side.©...