Still stranded in the mirror universe, Burnham must try to save the lives of a group of rebels whom she is ordered to destroy by the Terran Empire while maintaining her cover as her counterpart. Meanwhile, a growing terror within Lieutenant Tyler consume
There's that mirror again. And I can cite my case, quotes from TV, that he has yet to admit are wrong: ""More precisely, there is then no UBIT inside traditional IRA's, which are not tax exempt . . ." "All my MLP's derive their income from energy, they have no unrelated incom...
Visiting the mirror universe in 2257, Michael Burnham stated: "My eyes open and it's like waking from the worst nightmare I could imagine. Even the light is different. The cosmos has lost its brilliance." (DIS: "The Wolf Inside") Possibly as a consequence of this "different" light, ...
- Kaitwolf - cybergeekboy - xzhxtl - lzl1lzl - ShiroSakurairo - Eleus7 - mirrormirroronwall - orchid712 - nerine0 - qb0071011 - Zeta1002 - PostMeridy - fengqilantian - sturnu3 - uhohohoho - Zero20000 - Shio84587 - OpheliaSH - 15x3 - MC-Qim - search7 - Neee...
These mitochondrial malfunctions might mirror the decrease in ClpP protein level in these cultured cells (Fig. 1a, c, Suppl Fig. 2d). In addition, the reduction of ClpP by siRNA induced cell death which was measured by LDH release (Fig. 3f). Again, an increase in cell death rate was ...
Alphas are miserable when their conditions don't mirror those with the level of success they strive for. The alpha attitude is excellent when achieving goals but harmful when the external factors of success become their sole motivation and validation. ...
Edge is a Halo Online multiplayer map set on the remote frontier world of Partition. The map is a symmetrical map that takes place in a Forerunner databank which is entirely set into a cliff face. It is reasonably small, consisting of two bases, each wit
Coagulation, also known as War Games Map_Set/: 701-5[1] is a Halo 2 multiplayer map. The map consists of a large valley with identical bases at both ends. Coagulation is a remake of the Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer map Blood Gulch. Coagulation was re
Shatter, also known as War Games Map_Set/: 593-6,[1] is a multiplayer map in Halo 4. Shatter is themed around natural crystalline surfaces and the huge UNSC factories mining them. For some close-quarters face-time, escape the open landscape and duck into
[6星][17d] [PHP] geerlingguy/drupal-honeypot Official GitHub mirror of the Honeypot module for Drupal. [6星][10m] [Shell] jamesbower/engagedthreat provide honeypot researchers the ability to hold the attention of an attacker or to induce the attacker to participate in some sort of increas...