Major alpha thalassemia and placenta: The mirror syndromeTess, OGrigorescu, RBoudjemaa, SRosenblatt, JAbarah, BPiketty, MGarel, CJouannic, JL'HermineCoulomb, A
To test the first of these hypotheses in a controlled setting, we have initiated a phase 1 clinical trial of IUHCT in fetuses with alpha thalassemia major (ATM), who already require a fetal intervention (in utero transfusions (IUT)) to survive the pregnancy. We present interim results from...
To test the first of these hypotheses in a controlled setting, we have initiated a phase 1 clinical trial of IUHCT in fetuses with alpha thalassemia major (ATM), who already require a fetal intervention (in utero transfusions (IUT)) to survive the pregnancy. We present interim results from...
BETA-ThalassemiaSYMPTOMSCORPUS callosumNEURAL developmentANEMIAHYDROPS fetalisThis article reports on a case of a 24-week-old fetus with alpha thalassemia major (ATM) and malformation of cortical development. The fetus's mother had microcytic hypochromic anemia, and ultrasound revealed severe...
Styles, LVichinsky, EFoote, DQuirolo, KGenetics in MedicineVichinsky, E. P. (2009). Alpha thalassemia major-new mutations, intrauterine man- agement, and outcomes. Hematology Am. Soc. Hematol. Educ. Program 35-41. doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2009.1.35...
Alpha-thalassemia major and restrictive foramen ovale in a preterm neonate withoutsevere hydrops fetalisShih-Yun HsuDivision of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan/College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan...
thalassemiahemoglobin BartWe describe the clinical and pathologic features of an unusual case of alpha-thalassemia major in a patient who survived to term and lived for 9 days. The neonate was nonhydropic and the clinical picture was dominated by severe hypoxia with pulmonary hypertension. The ...
ALPHA-ThalassemiaDIAGNOSISTHERAPEUTICSNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/uog.14368M. Debska2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology The Medical Center of Postgraduate Education, The Center of Medical Postgraduate Education Warsaw Poland...
Alpha thalassemia major and choriocarcinoma are two poles apart clinical entities. While the former represents an autosomal recessive disorder of hemoglobin synthesis, the later constitutes an aggressive malignant tumor usually of placental origin with predilection for women above 35聽years, and those with...
Study design: Unexpected severe phenotype in the family members may result from coexistence of extra alpha-globin genes, which is an important factor in the causation of thalassemia intermedia and major in heterozygous beta-thalassemia. Results: We described different multiplications in alpha-globin ...