Alpha 型地中海贫血 1. α 型海洋性贫血带因者 (α-thalassemia trait) 体内合成 α 链的基因缺一个,是最轻微的 α 型带因者,完全无临床症状,MCV 也正常。仅婴儿时期之血红蛋白电泳检查有 1 ~ 3 % 之 Hb-Barts (γ4),成人则完全看不出来。 2. 轻度 α 型海洋性贫血 (α-thalassemia minor) 此类患...
Alpha-thalassemia trait. Deletion or nonfunction of two alpha globin genes, in cis or trans, is associated with mild microcytic anemia, without hemolysis or reticulocytosis. 3. Hemoglobin H disease. When three of four alpha globin genes are deleted or nonfunctional, a moderate hemolytic anemia ...
In alpha thalassemia, an abnormality in one of the four genes coding for alpha globin chain production results in an asymptomatic silent carrier. Abnormalities in two of the four genes cause alpha-thalassemia trait, another asymptomatic condition but one with a baseline mild microcytic, hypochromic a...
Diagnosis of alpha- thalassemia trait from Coulter counter `S' indices. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2007;45(5):605-10.Hegde UM, White JM, Hart GH, Marsh GM. Diagnosis of alpha-thalassaemia trait from Coulter Counter ‘S’ indices. J clin. Path. 1977; 30 :884–889....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromAlpha Thalassemia) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia thal·as·se·mi·a (thăl′ə-sē′mē-ə) n. An inherited form of anemia occurring chiefly among people of Mediterranean descent, caused by faulty synthesis of part of the hemoglobin molecule....
trait (minor), is asymptomatic and results in microcyto- sis and mild anemia. I the synthesis rom both genes is severely reduced or absent, the person has beta thalasse- mia major, also known as Cooley anemia. Persons with beta thalassemia major are almost never symptomatic at birth be...
Alpha-thalassemia is very heterogeneous at a clinical and molecular level. Four clinical conditions of increased severity are recognized: the silent carrier state, the alpha- thalassemia trait, the intermediate form of hemoglobin H disease, and the hemoglobin Bart hydrops fetalis syndrome that is ...
alpha-Thalassaemia trait should be considered in all patients of 'high-risk' ethnic origins with a blood picture suggestive of beta-thalassaemia trait but in whom the levels of Hb A2 and Hb F are within normal limits. 展开 关键词: Humans Thalassemia Fetal Hemoglobin Blood Cell Count Infant, ...
Confirmation of the validity of using birth MCV for the diagnosis of alpha thalassemia trait.doi:10.4081/hr.2009.e20HbBartshighperformanceliquidchromatographyMCHMCVThirty-four blood samples of neonates in Dubai, UAE, with an MCV below 90 fL were checked by high performance liquid chromatography (...
of the baby’s red blood cell indices. Hemoglobin electrophoresis is typically normal in silent carriers or patients with alpha thalassemia trait [2]. DNA analysis for globin mutations is necessary for the evaluation of at-risk couples. The table below categorizes the types of alpha thalassemia....