Test set data were not used in any way during the learning process, thus preventing any form of peeking effect88. Since the performance and the selected features may vary depending on how the data are split in each fold of the CV, we repeated the nested stratified CV procedure 1000 times ...
| biotest | BioTeZ | biothema | biotium | biotools | biotrend | biotx | biovendor | biovendor-laboratorni medicina a.s. ctpark modrice | bioventures | biovet | biovision | biovison | biowest | biowhittaker | bioworld | bio-world | bioworld technology, inc. | bio-x | bioxcell | biozo...
decreasing inflammatory mediators (i.e. prednisolone), with limited efficacy13. We recently showed that bilirubinostasis, inefficient regeneration of hepatocytes and a compensatory ductular reaction may play a pathogenic role in AH14,15,16,17. However, the mechanisms of liver failure in the setting ...
we analysed motor behaviour 8 weeks and 6 months after the adenovirus injection. We did not find any difference in Open Field (Supplementary Fig. 5b), Grip Test or Corridor Test (data not shown), suggesting that motor
Medicina. (Submitted and under review; Manuscript ID medicina-1845712). Associations of PPARα Gene Expression with Age, HbA1c, Fasting Blood Glucose, and Lipid Panel We did not observe any statistically significant associations between PPARα gene expression levels and the physical biochemical ...
| biotest | BioTeZ | biothema | biotium | biotools | biotrend | biotx | biovendor | biovendor-laboratorni medicina a.s. ctpark modrice | bioventures | biovet | biovision | biovison | biowest | biowhittaker | bioworld | bio-world | bioworld technology, inc. | bio-x | bioxcell | biozo...
(Bar Harbor, ME, USA)80. These animals were bred into a colony at Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. All animals were genotyped by a PCR-based method81. This study included only adult animals (8–20 weeks). Mice were fed ad libitum with rodent food ...
(AUC) provides a predictive value of the diagnostic potential of the measurements. A maximum AUC = 1 indicates a perfect diagnostic differentiation between diseased and control individuals, while an AUC = 0.5 indicates a test with no discrimination36. Notably, all PTMs presented an AUC ...
| biotest | BioTeZ | biothema | biotium | biotools | biotrend | biotx | biovendor | biovendor-laboratorni medicina a.s. ctpark modrice | bioventures | biovet | biovision | biovison | biowest | biowhittaker | bioworld | bio-world | bioworld technology, inc. | bio-x | bioxcell | biozo...
| biotest | BioTeZ | biothema | biotium | biotools | biotrend | biotx | biovendor | biovendor-laboratorni medicina a.s. ctpark modrice | bioventures | biovet | biovision | biovison | biowest | biowhittaker | bioworld | bio-world | bioworld technology, inc. | bio-x | bioxcell | biozo...