Combining MET with CES, Alpha-Stim® M is the most versatile product, and the only choice for those who want to treat pain as well as anxiety or insomnia. Federal law (the USA only) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner. ...
I always find that positive changes are immediately noticeable following a session with the device, and I am able to focus on what needs doing without any mind-wandering born from stress and anxiety. To explain better how my mind feels when using an Alpha-Stim, it is not too dissimilar fro...
In addition to DPN, we also continue to make progress on expanding indications for SCS into non-surgical refractory back pain and upper limb and neck chronic pain. If that was not enough for Pain Stim, we’re also excited about our Inceptiv ECAPS closed-loop spinal cord stimulator, which w...
we’re seeing stable underlying DBS procedure growth, and we continue to see momentum in the US as we moved into full launch of our STIMVIEW XT integrated imaging and programming platforms.
Earclips for Alpha-Stim® M $40.00 Probe Electrode Pads $20.00 Earclip Electrode Pads $20.00 Alpha-Stim Conducting Solution (250 ml) $15.00 AS-Trode™ Self-Adhesive Silver Electrode Pads $24.00 GET STARTED WITH ALPHA-STIM Who are you?
In pelvic health, we’re awaiting FDA approval for our next-gen InterStim recharge-free device, which we expect in the first half of next calendar year. With its best-in-class battery, constant current, and full-body MRI compatibility at both 1.5 and 3 Tesla, we expect this device will ...
we are gaining initial implant share in both Pain Stim and DBS. In Pain Stim, the market continues to gravitate toward our Vanta recharge-free and Intellis with DTM rechargeable neurostimulators. And in DBS, customers value the differentiated sensing capabilities of our Percept PC system with our...
these have been a long time coming, and we sacrificed still a lot to get these things out, and really excited. We also have Stimgenics in pain, the recent acquisition. Some ENT products, DiamondTemp and AFS in the EU. So this is — and as wave of products hitting the market at a ...