Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (3DS Game) first released 21st Nov 2014, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo.
One thing: will Cosplaychu's exclusive moves be carried away to Raichu should it evolve? Will Cosplaychu be able to evolve in first place? Or will Raichu run away from the National Dex crying in humuliation, because it's pre-evo gets Icicle Crash and it does not? I think GameFreak'...
I suspect either this means they are now going to include post-gen 3 evolutions (dusknoir for example), or they will increase the national dex to well, well above 200 specifically for the purposes of diversity. I suspect the former, although the recent (and as far as I can tell, well ...
The Ruby and Sapphire remakes were just released, people flooded into Gamestop just to get them. And yes, in my dreams people still shopped at Gamestop. Hmm, that should've been a red flag. Anyway as soon as I started playing, I felt like there was something wrong, something very wro...
I guess I wouldn't mind too much if they had some new ones, but the point of the main storyline (part of it, anyway) is to complete the Hoenn PokeDex while collecting gym badges. You can get the National Dex later on, and, of course, there will be new Pokemon during the post-...