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Read for FREE InKindle Unlimited! Listen OnAudible (US)! Share this: AuthorfelicitybrandonwritesCategoriesErotic Romance novelsTagson New month, new #FREEBIES! Hello Fierce Friends, DARK MAFIA PREORDER ALERT! The Dark Vows Anthology is coming June 15. Don’t wait for the wedding to RSVP. PR...
Darcy Burke
In the DS9 relaunch novels, Quark laments that his bar is likely going to have to close when Bajor joins the Federation and converts to the Federation's moneyless economy because it will put him out of business. Just as Quark prepares to close the bar down, he finds out that Rom has ...
In the Deep Space Nine relaunch series of novels, Kira was shunned from Bajoran religion after helping spread a secular interpretation of the Prophets. After many months the decision was reversed. Kira became a Starfleet captain after Bajor was admitted to the Federation. The same year, in the...
It is no secret that I am a huge fan of dark romance. I also love post-apocalyptic novels, so when I came across the Snow and Ash series by Heather Knight I was positively salivating. I pre-ordered the first book, The General’s Daughter and read it in one sitting, after which I...
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The alpha hero embodies the hegemonic masculinity that has long dominated romance fiction. The portrayal of this male type is, however, problematized when he is an exotic foreigner, as his hyper-heterosexualized masculinity is often associated with the gender backwardness of hi...