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Denied admission to the men’s fraternities, several of these women chose to create their own fraternity for women - Alpha Phi. For more than 150 years, Alpha Phi has preserved a wealth of historical materials, including member photographs, letters, meeting notes, scrapbooks, jewelry, and more...
Shop Alpha Phi is the exclusive online store for all official Alpha Phi merchandise. Shop thousands of the most popular Alpha Phi products from official vendors.
Wear your Alpha Phi letters proudly with stylish Alpha Phi shirts from Sorority Specialties. Dress the whole chapter with bulk discounts and free shipping at $124 today.
Thousands of hours of community service per semester. We are the Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, the nation’s largest co-ed collegiate service fraternity. We strive to help others and create a fun, welcoming environment. Here in Alpha Phi Omega, we aim to make a family of lifelon...
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, IncIota Nu Lambda Chapter, Fresno, CA Manly Deeds. Scholarship. Love For All Mankind. Welcome to our website. The Iota Nu Lambda Chapter is the alumni chapter for Central Valley (based in Fresno, CA). The local college chapter
Greatest Version of yourself Commitment to Scholarship Prioritize your learning and growth Commitment to Moral Rectitude in our Fraternity, university, and community Commitment to Health and Saftey See how we are setting the standard A brotherhood ...
Our events are designed to foster connections, build bridges, and create a positive impact. From educational workshops and cultural celebrations to charity drives and community outreach, we offer a wide range of events that reflect our mission and values. We believe in the power of service, and...
Fulfilling the purpose of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated by enhancing the lives of the under-served population in Peoria through education, financial empowerment, and social awareness. Beyond our involvement with fraternal affairs, our members play a significant role in the economic, political ...