The brand will show up at offprice channels like TJ Maxx and will get a massive hit. Have seen it many times and been there. A shame the owner sold this amazing brand to a PE firm. A brand like this flourished because of scarcity. Scale is the enemy of scarcity though. Feel free...
So that’s all on the table. And I think as we move through this year and depending on where price is at, those opportunities will grow in relevance. And with a capital program that’s pretty well defined and a debt that we — objective that’s pretty well defined, you’ve got this...
It can be seen that the maximum ThT fluorescence intensity of Aβ40 signifi- cantly decreased (Figure 1a), and the lag phase prolonged (Table S1) with increasing the concentration of the PSMα3 monomer. The kinetic curves of 0 to 20 h in Figure 1a are magnified in Figure 1b, allowing...
We don’t have anything on the table today, but I think we are in a strong position to capture opportunities when they present themselves. And, obviously, there are other companies in our sector that are not in as great a position that we will cast our eyes over,” Murdoch said. “We...
Coronavirus Roundtable: Diagnosing The Market Situation by SA Investing Groups ArtfulDodger Fellow Investors: Never fear when everyone else is panicking. This is a fire sale. Enjoy it! It's fun! Take your time and find some topnotch companies that have proven themselves to be able to thrive ...