插件下载地址: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-rembg 重启webui,可以从后期处理最下面找到插件。 访问git资源比较畅通的同学,可用github链接,把相关模型下载后放入sd-webui-aki-v4.1\.cache\u2net中 模型下载地址: https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg/releases/tag/v0.0.0 想网盘下...
The example files can also be found athttps://github.com/99991/matting/tree/master/examples. Install Install a C compiler (if you want to use alpha matting methods other than vcycle) and then run: Replacepythonwithpython3if that is not your default. ...
Repository files navigation README AlphaMatting on MAC Install OpenCV on MAC - 4 steps download OpenCV source code, and step into the directory. cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" make -j8 make install Reference http://opencv.org/ https://github.com/np-csu/AlphaMattingAbout...
Website and Documentation:https://pymatting.github.io/ Benchmarks:https://pymatting.github.io/benchmarks.html Given an input image and a hand-drawn trimap (top row), alpha matting estimates the alpha channel of a foreground object which can then be composed onto a different background (botto...
https://github.com/MarcoForte/FBA_Matting 摘要:在很多图像编辑任务中,分割出一个物体并估计其透明度掩膜(即抠图)是一项关键任务。深度学习通过编码-解码的分割网络取得了重要的进展,但是现有网络只预测alpha-matte,要恢复透明区域的原始前景和背景颜色需要后处理。最近出现了两种使用前景估计来改善结果的方法,但计算量...
Benchmarks:https://pymatting.github.io/benchmark.html Given an input image and a hand-drawn trimap (top row), alpha matting estimates the alpha channel of a foreground object which can then be composed onto a different background (bottom row). ...
MATLAB library for alpha matting. Contribute to sjtrny/MatteKit development by creating an account on GitHub.
作者之一的github(内容是空的):https://github.com/PavanSudheendra/IamAlpha http://www.alphamatting.com/eval_25.php 摘要:从自然图像中提取高质量的alpha蒙版一直是现实世界中具有广泛应用的关键问题。目前,大多数图像matting技术都需要一个被称为“Trimap”的标记未知区域,作为估计alpha的输入。但由于缺少trimap,...
Matting Anything Model (MAM), an efficient and versatile framework for estimating the alpha matte of any instance in an image with flexible and interactive visual or linguistic user prompt guidance. - SHI-Labs/Matting-Anything
Alpha matting describes the problem of separating the objects in the foreground from the background of an image given only a rough sketch. We introduce the PyMatting package for Python which implements various approaches to solve the alpha matting problem. Our toolbox is also able to extract the...