再看下alpha遮罩勾选后的选项: Foreground threshold就是前景的阈值,比如你设置了189,那就是只要大于189的值,都不会参与透明度的计算。 相反Background threshold的阈值,就是小于那个数的不参与透明度的计算。 为啥要有这个操作呢?因为蒙版结果有时候就是分割得不太干净,或者前景置信度不高,也就是模型有点拿不准,...
foreground threshold, creating a 3D trimap of the colon where the image is segmented into the foreground region, a background region, and an unknown region between the foreground and background, starting from the background, extracting successive layers of the unknown region until the foreground ...
the resulting alpha matte is obtained by using the robust image matting algorithm [24] which consists of the following steps. First, for pixels from the unknown region shown as green in Fig. 1b, the algorithm picks out “good” samples from a set of foreground and background samples from ...
foreground threshold, creating a 3D trimap of the colon where the image is segmented into the foreground region, a background region, and an unknown region between the foreground and background, starting from the background, extracting successive layers of the unknown region until the foreground ...
Particularly, we use a matting\nencoder to learn local features and a context encoder to obtain more global\ncontext information. We concatenate the outputs from these two encoders and\nfeed them into decoder networks to simultaneously estimate the foreground and\nalpha matte. To train this ...