Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® was founded on a mission of five basic tenets that have remained unchanged since the sorority’s inception. Our mission is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and...
The Kappa Tau house was no different than the others, except it was dark and quiet. A two-story white Colonial, from the front it bore a striking resemblance to the Cunningham’s house on “Happy Days.” But Joe, who’d parked on the next street over and had slid noiselessly though t...
I would like to continue my passion and be a voice for the Mu Pi chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on campus and in the community as they strive to bring awareness and implement high impact programs which support the core focus of the sorority. I am confident that my ...
Kappa Alpha Theta Bag Tag – Dots $9.00 Add to cart/Details Kappa Alpha Theta Notecards – Rings $10.00 Add to cart/Details Kappa Alpha Theta Notecards – Gingham $10.00 Add to cart/Details Kappa Alpha Theta Mission Statement Pocket Card ...
Kamala Harris is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated and wears a symbolic string of pearls to represent her sisterhood. Here's what it means to one of her fellow sorors.
Benefits of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) About the [Blank] Chapter MISSION STATEMENT: NEWH is the premiere networking resource for the hospitality industry, providing scholarships, education, leadership development, recognition. Five Star Chapter Plan Co/Wy Region. ...
Guest starring Co-starring Uncredited co-stars Stunt doubles Stand-in Stacy-Ann Buchanan–stand-inforSonequa Martin-Green References External links "Choose Your Pain" atMemory Beta, the wiki for licensedStar Trekworks "Discovering Your Pain" ...
Article II – Mission Statement& Objective Section 1 – Mission We, the Sample Chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity atSample University must strive to maintaina safe atmosphere at every event. Sometimes this is more difficult than others.The mission of Risk Awareness is to provide that safe...
The experiments on RNA interference were performed using Mission Lentivirus-based shRNA for PDGFRα (NM_006206-Sigma-Adrich). We amplified three DNA clones (clones numbers: TRCN0000195132, TRCN0000196272, TRCN0000196928) and pLKO.1-puro, as a control for infection. We selected puromycin resistant...