Business requirment经常要求某个ID的值只能包含26个字母和10个数字字符,这就要求ABAP程序能够检查相应变量内容,辨别特殊字符。sap-img上的一个例子提供了这样的功能:REPORT ZCHECK_ALPHA_NUMERIC.* Declare the variable* For Length data: serial_length type i.* For Alpha numeric data: str type
ABAP中如何检查字母数字类型(alpha numeric)的变量 Business requirment经常要求某个ID的值只能包含26个字母和10个数字字符,这就要求ABAP程序能够检查相应变量内容,辨别特殊字符。sap-img上的一个例子提供了这样的功能: REPORT ZCHECK_ALPHA_NUMERIC. * Declare the variable * For Length data: serial_length type i...
In this post, you will learn about below ABAP statements. ALPHA Concatenation LINE_EXISTS LINES ALPHA ALPHA 向数字字符串添加前导零或删除它们。这仅适用于字符串、c或 n 数据类型。通常,SAP 为许多字段(如客户编号、订单编号、发票编号)存储带有前导零的数据,但在输出屏幕上打印数据时,前导零会被删除。
I saw that you implemented your own logic to created ".abap" files, and that's ok for storing and versioning objects outside SAP systems. But there's a problem: how to get them "installed back" in another system after they've been versioned by abapGit? I guess you know about .NUGG...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Conversion exit ALPHA, external->internal ALPHA conversion is used especially with account numbers. During conversion from the external to the internal format, the system checks to see if input in the INPUT field is purely numeric, that is, if this input...
ABAP ABAP Code source (SAP AG) ABBU Address Book fichier de sauvegarde des données (Apple, Inc) ABC 3DS Max animation (Autodesk) ABC 7Zip données (Igor Pavlov) ABC ABC code source (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) ABC Act! carnet d'adresses e-mail (Act!) ABC Athena Archiver carnet d...
L'environnement ABAP de SAP BTP est la plateforme en tant que service pour les développeurs ABAP. Une plateforme ABAP optimisée pour le cloud basée sur SAP HANA sert d'environnement de développement et d'exécution pour les applications cloud à l'aide de l'infrastructure de services de...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility hi All My purpose is solved i want to know the differecne in above code i pasted... like why is it soo when i do wa_final-unitquan = wa_final-unitquan + it_lfimg-lfimg. then call function module CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT' ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Awesome work Pranay. Gaurav, Adding to this if you want to make A/B/C dynamic, DO this simple code and store the values in string tab and call Gaurav's code in loop. lw_input = { [1A,2B,2C]3,1B,4C}4 ,[1A,4B]4. lw_length = strlen ( ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI all, IS there a easy way to test for an alpha Numberic characters in a String. In my Report, i have to check if the Company Code is Numeric or Alpha Numeric. Thanks in Advance. Ravi.Reply...