IR spectra of chloroform solutions were recorded on a Bruker IFS 88 spectrometer, wave numbers are given in cm−1. NMR spectra were measured on FT-NMR spectrometers Chemistry 2α,3α-Epoxides 4 to 9 and the 3α,4α-epoxide 10 were prepared by epoxidation with peroxy acids of ...
NMR spectra were processed with Topspin (Bruker) and Sparky (University of California, San Francisco). Visualization and data analysis were carried out in Sparky. All NMR experiments were performed in NMR buffer (PBS, pH 7.4) and at a temperature of 283 K if not otherwise indicated. For ...
High-resolution NMR experiments (25 1C) were performed at 9.4 T (Bruker AVANCE spectrometer, Karlsruhe, Germany). Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy spectra of cell extracts were acquired using 901 flip angle, 30 s repetition time, 32 K time domain data points and 128 transients (...
The sequence was verified using BioTools software (Bruker) and the MASCOT search engine (Matrix Science). N-terminal sequencing Amino terminal sequencing of proteins was performed on a Shimadzu Protein Sequencer (Model PPSQ-33A) using basic Edman degradation chemistry. The protein sample was separated...
Experiments were carried out on a Pharmascan 7 T/12 cm system using surface coils (Bruker, Germany). T2-weighted images were acquired using a multi-slice multi-echo sequence (TE/TR 33/2500 ms with 70 × 70 × 500 µm3 spatial resolution) and used for lesion size as ...
The NMR experiments were recorded with a Bruker FT NMR Avance III 600-MHz spectrometer equipped with a 5-mm CryoProbe QCI 1 H/19F-13C/15N-D quadruple reso- nance, and a shielded z-gradient coil. The analysis of the spectra was performed using the CcpNMR software and the NMR ...
X-ray powder diffraction pattern has been obtained on D 8-Advance, Bruker AXE, Germany, diffractometer equipped with Scintillation detector using Copper Kα(λ=0.5406 Å) radiation with scanning range between 2-50 at scanning speed of2°/min. Differential Scanning Calorimeter was performed on Mett...
FT-IR measurements of the protein samples were performed in D2O-containing sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.5 on a Bruker FT-IR TENSOR 27 spectrometer. For the experiments, in order to study the effect of the heme on the aggregation of α-Syn, 200 μM of the monomeric protein was incubated...
Compounds were characterized either by 1H-NMR using a Varian Inova 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer or a Varian Mercury 300 MHz NMR Spectrometer as well as by high resolution mass spectrometry using a Bruker Apex-II high-resolution 4.7T FT-Mass Spectrometer. Final compounds were also characterized by hig...
Mixed solution 45 µL of the supernatant transferred with gel loading pipette tips into 1.7 mm NMR tubes (Bruker BioSpin, Karlsruhe, Germany) and a 96 well rack placed into the cooled (4°C) NMR autosampler. For the feces samples, we used a slightly different protocol for NMR analysis. ...