α-羟基酸(AHA)的发展历程 | ⭐果酸(Alpha Hydroxy Acids,AHAs),是一系列α位有羟基的羧酸的统称,可从各种水果、甘蔗、酸奶、果酒中提取得来,故俗称果酸。最早在1974年,有“果酸之父”之称的皮肤科专家Dr. Van Scott和药学专家Dr. Ruey Yu发现了果酸及不同浓度的果酸具有不同的美容及治疗作用。
Discover Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) in skincare that gently slough away dead skin cells, revealing smoother and brighter skin. Shop Clinique products with AHAs.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids AHAINCI名称 水,乳酸钠,甘油,柠檬酸,PCA钠,苹果酸,羟基乙酸,乳酸,丙酮酸,酒石酸 CAS号 7732-18-5,867-56-1,56-81-5,5949-29-1,28874-51-3,617-48-1,79-14-1,79-33-4,127-17-3,87-69-4 描述 浅黄色清澈液体,特征气味 ISO 16128 天然来源指数 0.948 EWG 1-4 致痘风险...
Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs)阿尔法羟基酸是一组植物和动物源性的天然酸,它包括柠檬酸 citrc acid (从柑橘类水果中提取)、乙醇酸 glycolic acid (从甘蔗中提取)、羟基己酸 hydroxycaproic acid (从蜂王浆种提取)、羟基辛酸 hydroxycaprylic acid (从动物中提取)、乳酸 lactic acid (乳糖 或者 其他碳水化合物)、苹...
➢Alphahydroxyacids(AHAs)areaclassofchemicalcompoundsthatoccurnaturallyinfruits,milk,andsugarcane.•α-羟基酸(AHAs)是一类天然存在于水果、牛奶和甘蔗中的化合物。➢Althoughtheyarecalledacidstheyarenottobeconfusedwithstrongindustrialacidssuchas hydrochloricacidandsulfuricacid.•虽然它们被称为酸,但不要与工业...
网络释义 1. 果酸 玫瑰大道 淑女美白洗面奶250ml... ... Allantoin( 尿囊素) alpha-hydroxy-acids( 果酸) rosa canina extract( 狗牙蔷薇果提取 …www.amazon.cn|基于4个网页 例句 释义: 全部,果酸 更多例句筛选 1. Add alpha hydroxy acids to your routine, and use a mask with algae to increase ...
Summary. Alphahydroxyacids (AHA) are organic acids with one hydroxyl group attached to the alpha position of the acid. In this group there are molecules found naturally in fruit such as glycolic, malic, lactic, and citric acid. They have different ef fects in different...
alpha-hydroxy acid (redirected fromalpha-hydroxy acids) Medical al·pha-hy·drox·y acid (ăl′fə-hī-drŏk′sē) n.Abbr.AHA Any of various acids, such as citric acid or glycolic acid, that contain a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group and are often used in exfoliants an...
果酸的化学结构为α-羟酸(alpha hydroxy acids ,AHA),是从水果、酸乳酪中提取的天然有机酸,故又称“果酸”。它通过老化角质细胞之间的粘连,使死皮自然脱落,同时刺激胶原蛋白生成,令肌肤恢复柔顺和光泽,富有弹性。1、改善肤质:果酸可以去角质,加快肌肤新陈代谢,老化细胞被新生细胞代替,达到祛斑嫩肤功效。2、祛痘祛...
What Is Alpha Hydroxy Acid? Alpha hydroxy acids, also known as AHAs, are acid ingredients common in skin care products. People use AHAs to treat common dermatology issues. Alpha hydroxy acids include glycolic acid (which derives from sugarcane), lactic acid (which derives from sour milk), citr...