This is the place to find information about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Gamma Omega Chapter events, and how we fulfill our purpose of service. The Gamma Omega Chapter is the third established graduate chapter of the sorority and our esteemed chapter is 104 years old. On Dece...
Alpha Chi Omega Merch and Clothing by Sorority Specialties. Real. Strong. Women, that’s the AXO mantra, and that’s what it means to be an AXO sister. With the Sorority Specialties line of high-quality Alpha Chi Omega clothing, you and your sisters will always look your best. Find the...
Heilbrun, Leslie
ALPHAIOTACHAPTEROFGAMMAPHIBETASORORITY HOUSINGAGREEMENT2007-2008 (ReturntoAshleyMatkin,TreasurerHCB) Landlord/Lessor/AgentisAlphaIotaofGammaPhiBeta,Inc.andshallbereferredtohereinas“GammaPhiBeta”and Tenant/Lesseeshallbereferredtoas“Member.”AsconsiderationforthisAgreement,GammaPhiBetaagreestorent/leasetoMember...
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. - Alpha Tau 企业状态 Good Standing 成立日期 2018-09-24 企业类型 Non Profit Corporation 注册地 MISSISSIPPI(密西西比州) 管辖区域 Mississippi 代理人/机构名称 Kizmet Davis-Esco 代理人/机构地址 3285A Jones Loop Rd, Terry, MS 39170 数据来源:美国密西西比州工商注册处 ...