Modified by UNSC Navy Motto Exitus Acta Probat[5][6] Technical specifications Length 2.5 kilometres (8,200 ft)[3] Width 800 metres (2,600 ft)[4] Mass 44,000,000 metric tons[2] Engine unit(s) 6 Orphios Energy Systems Jupiter-1s[2] Slipspace Drive OKB Karman 11E[2] Hull ...
Motto Audere Est Facere[2] Technical specificationsLength 5,694.2 metres (18,682 ft)[3] Width 833.3 metres (2,734 ft)[3] Height 1,041.2 metres (3,416 ft)[3] Mass 907,000,000 metric tons[1] Engine unit(s) XR2 Boglin Fields: S81/X-DFR[3] Slipspace...
However, here I am, loving and actively participating in Delta Gamma, a sorority that was reestablished at the University of Arkansas this year. When I first joined, I had certain expectations. I expected for me and some of the members to be somewhat of acquaintances, but thought that most...
The latter was subsequently changed to Gamma Chapter, and the designation of Delta assigned to the Wilberforce University Chapter at Wilberforce, Ohio. Epsilon Chapter, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, was established December 4, 1915, as the first chapter in the East. Elder W. Diggs journeyed ...
Alpha males rank at the top of the socio-sexual hierarchy and whileSigma malesshare the top rank with Alphas, they choose to sit outside the hierarchy. Alphas are followed byBeta males,Delta males,Gamma males, andOmega males, respectively. ...
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega 選擇正確的詞語 1 alpha sigma phi founding fathers 2 Open Motto (English) 3 Greek alphabet 4 Values 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(29...
Γ - GammaΔ - DeltaΕ - EpsilonZ - ZetaH - EtaΘ - ThetaI - IotaK - KappaΛ - LambdaΜ - MuN - NuΞ - XiO - OmicronΠ - PiP - RhoΣ - SigmaT - TauY - UpsilonΦ - PhiX -ChiΨ - PsiΩ - Omega What is an "Order" A group of individuals drawn together by a ...
1913. Gamma Chapter (later changed to Indianapolis Alumni Chapter) was established on December 29, 1913, followed by the establishment of Delta Chapter at the University of Iowa, on March 7, 1914. The latter was subsequently changed to Gamma Chapter, and the designation of Delta assigned to th...
The official colors of Nu Alpha Kappa are red, white and bronze. Its mascot is XiNAKo. The motto of the fraternity is “Men of Mind, Men of Culture, Men of Pride”. Nu Alpha Kappa’s primary goals are academic excellence, brotherhood, and cultural awareness, and it continuously strives ...
Not really. I'd rather collaborate or do things together. Usually, but I'm only in it to have fun. No. I don't see the point in competing. 12. Choose your motto: Go big or go home. Be yourself. Life is beautiful. March to the beat of your own drum.More...