英文: There are two types of hemolysis on blood agar plates: alpha, beta, and gamma (gamma hemolysis is actually no hemolysis).中文: 血平皿上有两种类型的溶血:α、β和γ(γ溶血实际上就是不溶血)。英文: Effects of bovine viral diarrhea viruses in vitro on transcription of interferon-alpha,...
globin H (HbH), which has our beta chains (beta 4 ). Alpha thalassemia intermedia, or HbH disease, causes microcytic anemia, hemolysis, and splenomegaly. The our-gene deletion results in signi cant production o hemoglobin Bart’s (Hb Bart’s), which has our gamma chains (gamma 4...
Related to Alpha hemolysis:Gamma hemolysis,MacConkey agar al·pha (ăl′fə) n. 1.The first letter of the Greek alphabet. See Table atalphabet. 2.The first of a series; the beginning. 3.AstronomyThe brightest star in a constellation. ...
The brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major, approximately 123 light years from Earth. It is one of the seven stars that form the Big Dipper and aligns with Merak to point to Polaris. [Medieval Latin, from Arabicẓahr al-dubb al-'akbar,the back of the Great Bear, fromdubb,bear...
gamma and beta chains, consistent with a diagnosis of gamma-betathalassemia. The severe neonatal hemolytic anemia was due to accumulation of excess alpha globin chains, unable to form normal hemoglobin tetramers because of the lack of partner gamma or beta chains. As the infant matured and began...
Related to alpha particle: Gamma particlealpha particle alpha particle, one of the three types of radiation resulting from natural radioactivity. Alpha radiation (or alpha rays) was distinguished and named by E. R. Rutherford in 1909, who found by measuring the charge and mass of alpha particles...
Hemolytic effect on blood agar allows differentiation into those causing partial hemolysis (alpha-hemolysis), complete hemolysis (beta-hemolysis), and no hemolysis (gamma-hemolysis). The beta-hemolytic streptococci are classified by the antigenic characteristics of their cell wall into Lancefiel...
dwelling rays breathe by taking in water through the spiracles, rather than through the mouth as most fishes do, and passing it out through the gills. Rays feed on a variety of smaller animals; the heavy, rounded teeth of most species are adapted to crushing the shells of snails and clams...
Related to alpha iron:gamma iron n (Elements & Compounds) a magnetic allotrope of iron that is stable below 910°C; ferrite Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Related to alpha wave:beta wave,theta wave n. An electrical oscillation occurring in the human brain at a frequency of about 8 to 13 hertz as recorded on an electroencephalogram, associated with a state of relaxed wakefulness. Also calledalpha rhythm. ...