If you have bad credit, you may need to finance through a subprime lender. Several leasing options are available, which can be a good choice if you don’t have the cash to put down on a car outright. Consider Your Income and Expenses Before you start shopping for a car, it’s ...
CMake Kubuntu VSCode Visual Studio Community GCC, Clang, and the MSVC Compiler Github Git and the SmartGit Client OpenGL, GLAD, and GLFW NVidia Texture Tools ExporterAbout An image and texture viewer for tga, png, apng, exr, dds, pvr, ktx, ktx2, astc, pkm, qoi, gif, hdr, jpg, tif...
[6星][Py] 0x4d31/honeytls Nothing but a simple dirty bash script to set up Bro, JA3 script for Bro and Nginx, that can be used as a simple honeypot to capture JA3 hashes (SSL/TLS client fingerprints) [6星][3m] [Ruby] betheroot/sticky_elephant medium interaction postgresql honey...
reviews Tabnine AI coding assistant flexes its models Aug 12, 202412 mins Show me more analysis Cost-conscious repatriation strategies By David Linthicum Dec 20, 20245 mins Cloud ManagementHybrid CloudTechnology Industry video How to use watchdog to monitor file system changes using Python ...
Zero client support. They blocked my account, and now I can't pay my credit card debt amount. Instead of responding to any of my 100 requests, they sent my details to a collection agency. Their behavior is rude and unprofessional, and they continue to ignore their customers. Date of expe...
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Alpha has its own JavaScript client framework, which includes support for jQuery, but not for some of the newer frameworks such as Angular and Backbone. On the other hand, Alpha’s templating language has a distinctly Angular-like feel to it, and you can’t really complain about the framewor...
Both long/short equity and credit funds directly benefit from higher yields on cash via an improved environment for short selling. Consider this example: a long/short equity fund with a 90% gross long exposure and 60% gross short exposure would have total gross exposure of 150%...
occasionally popping into stores to see how much they could spend, if only their credit cards could take the strain. A band of failed singers sang at a crossroads further down, pretty young girls sweating behind snorkel jackets, vocally revealing why they had failed. Flower stalls seemed to ...
We will work with borrower's lender to coordinate the release of any existing liens and recording of new mortgage. Typically, only a lender's title insurance policy will be required. A borrower's existing owner's title insurance policy will provide a re-issue credit against closing costs. ...