What I have grown to understand an envision a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated to be, I accredit largely to the ladies of the Gamma Theta chapter. This has the result of attending many of the chapter’s events during my time at Hampton thus far. One of my favorite ...
The lovely ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Inc. always made me feel very comfortable to the point that I was able to be myself around them. However, when I tried that with the other sorority members it did not felt the same way. The other sorority made me feel left out ...
Harris stood before 20,000 Alpha Kappa Alpha membersgathered in Dallas for the sorority’s 71st biennial convention. Harris, who became an AKA in the sorority’s original Howard University chapter, described the group’s founding as an effort to...
Kappa Alpha Theta : yesterday, today, tomorrow : a journey through Delta Sigma chapter : [an honors thesis (HONRS 499)] Different groups in society reflect the cultural history of certain time periods. Therefore, in our opinions, it is important to keep accurate records no matter how small ...
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