Das Sternensystem Alpha Centauri (auch Rigil Kentaurus oder Alpha Cantaurus gennant) liegt etwa 4,33 LJ von der Erde entfernt im Sternbild Centaurus, von dem sich auch sein Name ableitet. Bis heute wird darum gestritten, ob Alpha Centauri ein binäres
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The video gameStar Trek Onlineis largely faithful to theStar Chartsrepresentation of the galaxy, with a few systems moved for gameplay considerations. According to theStar Charts, most of the early voyages ofEnterpriseNX-01took place in the Beta Quadrant with only a few excursions in the Alpha ...
←Wikitorrent Alpha Centauri file free download NsYif 这是链接自指定页面(或至指定分类的成员)的页面的最近更改的列表。你的监视列表中的页面以粗体显示。 最近更改选项 [折叠]说明: 新 该编辑创建了新页面 (见新页面列表) 小 该编辑为小编辑 机
External links HumanatMemory Beta, the wiki for licensedStar Trekworks Human (Star Trek)atWikipedia
"Centauri Memories" (2:48) (8/10); the Blade Runner-like, 7. "Requiem for C.S." (3:28) (8/10); 9. "Plasma Cloud" (4:10) (7.5/10); 10. "No Man's Land" (6:29) (8/10), and; 11. "Lunar Sunrise" (2:14) (7/10). A four star album; recommended for fans of ...
Unofficial open-source OpenGL/SDL2 reimplementation of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ( + Alien Crossfire ). Note: you will still need to own the original game and expansion - GLSMAC will load its resources like images or sounds. CheckScreenshotsandVideosfor current state and history of project. ...
>> move from here to Alpha Centauri in an instant (oops, there goes the light limit) without traveling >> through the space that exists between those two points. This is essentially a repeat of question 2. You are claiming that something is wrong because the micro-world is not a scaled...
Beta Quadrantstarsandsystems(A)Acamar•Achernar•Acrux•Acubens•Adara•Adelphous•Adhafera•Adhara•Aelas•Agena•Agornu•Agurtha•Ajilon•Akaali•Al Nair•Alchibah•Aldebaran•Algorab•Alhena•Alkes•Alnilam•Alpha-2 Centauri•Alpha Cancri•Alpha Canis Minoris•Alpha...
Alpha Centauri b is the second planet that orbits the star group Alpha Centauri . Alpha Centauri b, also known as Alpha Centauri II or even 'The AC' in reference to its temperate climate is an Inner Colony world with large populations and several cities.