Das Sternensystem Alpha Centauri (auch Rigil Kentaurus oder Alpha Cantaurus gennant) liegt etwa 4,33 LJ von der Erde entfernt im Sternbild Centaurus, von dem sich auch sein Name ableitet. Bis heute wird darum gestritten, ob Alpha Centauri ein binäres
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The in-game map of the apocryphalStar Trek Onlinevideo game, depicting Klingon and Romulan space in the Beta Quadrant In mostreference works,novels, andgames, Klingon and Romulan space are usually depicted or stated to be located solely in the Beta Quadrant. This would make the Federation the...
External links HumanatMemory Beta, the wiki for licensedStar Trekworks Human (Star Trek)atWikipedia
Federation star chart ("The Explored Galaxy"): Aldebaran; Alfa 177; Alpha Carinae; Alpha Centauri; Alpha Majoris; Altair VI; Andor; Ariannus; Arret; Babel; Benecia; Berengaria VII; Beta Aurigae; Beta Geminorum; Beta Lyrae; Beta Niobe; Beta Portolan; Camus II; Canopus III; Capella; Daran...
It traded with Alpha Centauri, Altair, Andoria, Denobula Triaxa, Draylax, Ophicus Colony, Tellar Prime, Trill, Vega Colony, and Vulcan. In 2378, Earth was a hub world on the major space lanes. Points of interest on Earth included the UFP Council Chambers, Starfleet Headquarters, Starfleet...
"Centauri Memories" (2:48) (8/10); the Blade Runner-like, 7. "Requiem for C.S." (3:28) (8/10); 9. "Plasma Cloud" (4:10) (7.5/10); 10. "No Man's Land" (6:29) (8/10), and; 11. "Lunar Sunrise" (2:14) (7/10). A four star album; recommended for fans of ...
Unofficial open-source OpenGL/SDL2 reimplementation of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ( + Alien Crossfire ). Note: you will still need to own the original game and expansion - GLSMAC will load its resources like images or sounds. CheckScreenshotsandVideosfor current state and history of project. ...
Beta Quadrantstarsandsystems(A)Acamar•Achernar•Acrux•Acubens•Adara•Adelphous•Adhafera•Adhara•Aelas•Agena•Agornu•Agurtha•Ajilon•Akaali•Al Nair•Alchibah•Aldebaran•Algorab•Alhena•Alkes•Alnilam•Alpha-2 Centauri•Alpha Cancri•Alpha Canis Minoris•Alpha...