[2星][6m] [Java] conanjun/xssblindinjector burp插件,实现自动化xss盲打以及xss log [2星][2y] [JS] mylesjohnson/pipe-injector Node.js script that can detect when "curl ... | bash" is being used and serve a different file than normal [2星][2y] [C] neocui/uefi-var-in-disk Inject...
2014.05 [endgame] Blackshades: Why We Should Care About Old Malware 2014.05 [trendmicro] The Blackshades RAT – Entry-Level Cybercrime 2014.05 [publicintelligence] FBI Blackshades Remote Access Tool Private Sector Bulletins and Domain List 2014.05 [alienvault] Blackshades Smackdown & Poking China in ...
Data from NIQ shows tweens are driving growth in mass skin care sales, with treatments, cleaners and moisturizers among the top-growing categories.
“I don’t care if you feel bad or not. What I wanna know is, where’s your apology?” Gon Voice: Tsubasa Kuzai Neo-fennec no. 150. Fearless and reliable, but loyal foremost to Vanessa. Unique for his trademark hairstyle and silver fur. ...
Crit. Care Med. 28, 1772–1776 (2000). Article CAS Google Scholar Harrison, A. P. & Pierzynowski, S. G. Biological effects of 2-oxoglutarate with particular emphasis on the regulation of protein, mineral and lipid absorption/metabolism, muscle performance, kidney function, bone formation ...
Eventually, the protein levels were scanned by an ECL Plus Western blotting Detection System (GE Healthcare, USA). The ray values of protein bands were measured by Image Pro Plus 6.0 software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD, USA), and the relative expression levels of corresponding ...
"And have you noticed how your boobs have started to firm up?" "Not that we care about such things in this day and age." "Uh-huh." - Troi and Crusher, as Data listens"And have you noticed how your boobs have started to firm up? Not that we care about…" - Data, to Worf...
"Care to join the landing party, Doctor?" "Well, if you're actually giving me a choice…" "I'm not." - Kirk and McCoy"I signed aboard this ship to practice medicine, not to have my atoms scattered back and forth across space by this gadget." ...
In common with other omics technologies, mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics produces ever-increasing amounts of raw data, making efficient analysis a principal challenge. A plethora of different computational tools can process the MS data to derive
[119星][5m] [Java] stringcare/androidlibrary Android library to reveal or obfuscate strings and assets at runtime [94星][6m] [Py] thuxnder/dalvik-obfuscator a set of tools/scripts to obfuscate and manipulate dex files [90星][1m] [Py] necst/aamo Another Android Malware Obfuscator [61星...