描述来源:Aske, Plaat. (1996). Search and Re-search. (Thesis, Erasmus University) URL:http://www.top-5000.nl/ps/Research%20re%20search%20&%20re-search.pdf 描述来源:Yajing, L.(2012). The research and implementation of Computer Games which based on the Alpha-Beta algorithm. (Doctoral di...
Alpha–beta search algorithmAsynchronous parallel algorithmsADABAAPHIDThe satisfactory performance of the intelligent agents conceived to solve several real-life problems requires efficient decision-making algorithms. To address issues with high state-spaces within reasonable runtime limits, these algorithms are...
2) Alpha-Beta algorithm Alpha-Beta算法3) Alpha-Beta pruning Alpha-Beta剪枝4) DL-(-)-Pantoyl lactone DL-alpha-羟基-beta,beta-二甲基-gamma-丁内酯5) Searching [英]['sɜ:tʃɪŋ] [美]['sɝtʃɪŋ] 搜索 1. Creating a data model based on suffix trees for searching...
foreach child of node//极小节点 α :=max(α, alphabeta(child, depth-1, α, β, not(Player) )) ifβ ≤α// 该极大节点的值>=α>=β,该极大节点后面的搜索到的值肯定会大于β,因此不会被其上层的极小节点所选用了。对于根节点,β为正无穷 break(*Beta cut-off*) returnα else//极小节点...
结点之间的连线对应于通信线.处理器树中的每个内部处结点都有若干子结点,这些子结点均为父结点的子处理器(child processor).没有子结点的处理器称为叶处理器(leaf processor),否则称为主处理器(master).叶处理器执行串行的Alpha-Beta算法,也就是从算法(slavealgorithm),而主处理器均执行主算法(master algorithm)....
实验结果表 明,该方法能提升 Alpha-Beta 搜索算法的效率。关键 关键词 词 :五子棋; Alpha-Beta 搜索算法;局部搜索;静态评价启发;迭代深化;着法顺序Resear 2、ch and Improvement on Alpha-BetaSearch Algorithm in GobangCHENG Yu, LEI Xiao-feng(School of Computer Science and Technology, China University of...
描述来源:Knuth, D. E., & Moore, R. W. (1975). An analysis of alpha-beta pruning.Artificial intelligence,6(4), 293-326. URL:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0004370275900193 描述来源:Su, Y. J. F. (2009). IMPROVEMENT ON ALPHA-BETA SEARCH ALGORITHM IN CHINESE CHESS ...
结点之间的连线对应于通信线.处理器树中的每个内部处结点都有若干子结点,这些子结点均为父结点的子处理器(child processor).没有子结点的处理器称为叶处理器(leaf processor),否则称为主处理器(master).叶处理器执行串行的Alpha-Beta算法,也就是从算法(slavealgorithm),而主处理器均执行主算法(master algorithm)....
蒙塔卡洛树搜索(Monte-Caelo Tree Algorithm)最大最小算法是对抗搜索中最基本的搜索方法;Alpha-Beta...
Beta算子 1. Lower estimates of convergence rate for Beta operators; Beta算子收敛速度的下界估计 2. The author uses Laplace and Bojanic method to study the rate of convergence of functions and their derivatives by Beta operator and obtain degree of approximation. 利用渐近分析的方法讨论了Beta算子...