很多同学和我表示对于对抗搜索中的Alpha Beta Pruning算法以及MinMax算法的区别总是搞混。
之前看了很多关于Alpha Beta Pruning的文章,大部分把描述过程表示得隐晦……后来看了这个网站ab_tree_pr...
Alpha-Beta Pruning Practice App. Contribute to aykamko/abTreePractice development by creating an account on GitHub.
ThisAlpha-Beta pruning practiceis a very neat tool that can help visualize how the process goes. Acknowledgements My mentorReyfor guiding us through the assignment. This assignment was done together withAlaricat our internship at PlanChat.
普通的Alpha-Beta搜索一般按照如下方式调用函数发起对博弈树的搜索: 1: node ← root 2: AlphaBeta(node, -∞, +∞) 吸出搜索使用如下策略发起对博弈树的搜索: 1: node ← root 2: V ← estimated_value(node) 3: e ← expected_error_limit(node) ...
下面开始介绍一些在Alpha-Beta算法中引入并行化的方法和算法. 6.1 并行求值(Parallel Evaluation) 游戏的博弈程序经常要在搜索深度和叶结点的求值复杂度之间进行平衡.一些博弈程序,使用简化的估值函数,以获得更深的搜索深度.但是花费在对叶结点的求值中的时间仍然占搜索时间的很大一部分.一个在博弈树搜索中应用并行性的...
1、alpha-beta剪枝算法在黑白棋应用中的优化摘要:alpha-beta剪枝算法是一种传统的搜索算法, 它在博弈算法中有着非常广泛的运用,它大大减少了相同搜索深度下的计算量,但其仍然不能满足有限时间内进行搜索的需求。为此,有很多针对该算法的优化方法,但这些优化方法大都是以消耗更多空间为代价的。本文以黑白棋为例,从...
Alpha-Beta pruning algorithm applied to the game-tree from earlier. Source: Author. Note that, in the image above, only 3 out of 31 nodes were pruned. That’s because many moves which ended up being suboptimal, such as Black’s very first calculated move (+1), were evalu...
普通的Alpha-Beta搜索一般按照如下方式调用函数发起对博弈树的搜索: 1: node ← root 2: AlphaBeta(node, -∞, +∞) 吸出搜索使用如下策略发起对博弈树的搜索: 1: node ← root 2: V ← estimated_value(node) 3: e ← expected_error_limit(node) ...
Alpha-Beta Pruning Alpha–beta (𝛼−𝛽) algorithm was discovered independently by a few researchers in the mid 1900s. Alpha–beta is actually an improved minimax using a heuristic. It stops evaluating a move when it makes sure that it's worse than the previously examined move. Such move...