【双男主+无虐甜宠+双向奔赴】【高冷alpha男神×呆萌Omega咸鱼】人生最大的幸福:遇见你,爱上你,在一起。沈承言意外穿越到ABO世界,成为众多beta 中的一员。永远不知道意外和明天谁先来的沈承言决定既来之则安之,好好享受生活。然而,他偶尔结实的朋友竟然是个alpha,还是学校出名的高冷男神,而他还被男神盯上了。更...
In this funny and action-packed retelling of the movie, Alpha wolf Kate and Omega wolf Humphrey have been taken from their home and sent to Twin Falls, Idaho. But they have to make it back in time to stop their pack from going to war with another pack! ! With the help of their ...
There’s a warmth to this book, even when things got hairy and tense — which fits a novel about an Omega — the same way that Mercy’s books have a very different feel. A welcome addition to the growing Brigg’s world. —–
Alpha与Omega 作者:卿玖瑶 [收藏此章节] [免费得晋江币] [投诉] 【1】他是谁在昏暗肮脏的牢房中。 “啊……啊”“救命,放过我吧”“我以后再也不会犯这种错误了,饶了我吧!”在不同声音的惨叫中,有一个被捆在铁板上的人格外明显,他受着比其他人更残酷的刑罚,但却一声不吭,而他的面前的一个真皮...
Alpha and Omega Declaring the end from the beginning The Graphic Novel Of Origins – BUY IT NOW Limited Edition Rich B&W Amazon Print-On-Demand Other Publications The Word Of Truth A dispensational, chronological view of eternity with an unapologetically literal perspective that will challenge your...
In this funny and action-packed retelling of the movie, Alpha wolf Kate and Omega wolf Humphrey have been taken from their home and sent to Twin Falls, Idaho. But they have to make it back in time to stop their pack from going to war with another pack! ! With the help of their web...
我和alpha抢omega! 向清凯十五岁时分化为beta后,就对这个身份极其不满意。 不过很快与自己达成和解,既然当不了alpha,那么就要做到比alpha更厉害。 篮球队主力、学习成绩第一名是他,优秀漂亮的Omega也必须是他的。 他不会让自己比任何一个alpha差。
可致命的是,因两人信息素适配高达98%,不在一定范围就全身不得劲那种。江折亦忍无可忍,直接把人约上天台“学习就学习,吾日三省吾身,你离我远点。只见宋容眼神幽怨的看着他:“阿亦,你说过我可以离你近点的。” [宋容Alpha江折亦Omega] 【注:两个主角开篇已成年】 目录10章 第一卷共10章...