A deeper analysis of alpha may also includeJensen’s alpha. Jensen’s alpha takes into consideration thecapital asset pricing model (CAPM)market theory and includes a risk-adjusted component in its calculation. Beta (or the beta coefficient) is used in the CAPM, which calculates the expected re...
Alpha vs. beta: Understanding the differences and how they work in investing BY Kaitlyn Koterbski Personal Finance Expert April 19, 2023 at 10:13 PM GMT+8While alpha and beta might sound like complex and intimidating financial terms, they’re really just ways to measure risk and return. ...
Beta Finance 就专门针对长尾资产的这个做空痛点,提供了可安全地覆盖所有代币的货币市场,也即 Beta Finance 提供的可做空对象包含了流行的主流资产和被忽视的长尾资产。 同时Beta 的无需许可特性也允许任何人、任何地方、任何时间为任何加密资产创建货币市场,这样随着 DeFi 生态系统变得越来越大,可以帮助 Beta Finance ...
Learn what alpha is in finance. Understand how alpha is calculated using the alpha formula as given by the CAPM and see alpha's interpretation and...
Beta Finance 就专门针对长尾资产的这个做空痛点,提供了可安全地覆盖所有代币的货币市场,也即 Beta Finance 提供的可做空对象包含了流行的主流资产和被忽视的长尾资产。 同时Beta 的无需许可特性也允许任何人、任何地方、任何时间为任何加密资产创建货币市场,这样随着 DeFi 生态系统变得越来越大,可以帮助 Beta Finance ...
本周三,加密货币衍生品市场 Beta Finance 将分两阶段正式启动以太坊主网。作为由跨链 DeFi 平台 Alpha Finance Lab 孵化的链上无许可货币市场,它旨在创建一个涵盖资产借贷和做空的无许可货币市场,用于对冲加密市场波动性,为加密市场带来稳定的收益可能。
深潮TechFlow 消息,据官方消息,Nabla Finance 将为参与以太坊 Sepolia 上 Nabla Alpha 测试网的 PYTH 质押者分配 100 万$AMBER,用户需要在北京时间2月8日 21:56 之前质押至少 250个$PYTH并在 Pyth 门户上绑定 EVM 钱包即可以参与。 Nabla Finance 是一家现货做市商。Nabla 将经历 Alpha 和 Beta 两个测试阶...
If a security's actual return is higher than its beta, the security has a positive alpha, and if the return is lower it has a negative alpha. For example, if a stock's beta is 1.5, and its benchmark gained 2%, it would be expected to gain 3% (2% x 1.5 = 0.03, or 3%). If...
(2008). The Impact of Alpha, Beta, and Correlation Coefficients on the Processes of Stock-Selection and Portfolio Formation by the Investors: An Empirical Analysis on the Turkey Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)∗. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics(17), 57-66....
In this article, we will explain the origins of this strange terminology, examine some of the reasons for the trend towards separating alpha and beta management and suggest some ways in which the market may develop further. Finance in a state of regression (a technical aside) ...