alpha blocker- any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors; used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia; relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder alpha-adrenergic blocker,alpha-adrenergic blocking agent,alpha-blocker blocking agent,blocker- a class of drugs that inhibit (block)...
It was said that a Cardassian citizen could not sit down to a meal without each dish, complete with its preparation and ingredients, being duly noted and recorded by the Obsidian Order. Like the military, the Obsidian Order was supposed to submit to the Detapa Council, but in practice, ...
growers are prone to use them when faced with insecticide resistance problems or unusually high populations, as observed afterH. armigeraoutbreaks in 2012–13 in the state of Bahia and when applications of conventional insecticides were ineffective control measures. Other entomopathogenic agents have not...
Returns-based style analysis with multiple factors suffers from knownissues ofoverfittingandcollinearity. Less well-known arethe problemsthat arise fromRBSA’s assumption that exposures are constant over the regression window. In practice,portfolio exposures vary over timeand can change rapidly as position...
In equity markets, such practice is called “stock-picking” and it consists of studying, evaluating and scrutinizing promising entreprise stocks and assess the growth potential of their cash flows. It is also called fundamental analysis, a basic of portfolio management strategy. ...
In summary, choose these talents on alpha like any others and use them as you'd expect, and feel free to report any situations where doing so causes problems that you have no way to avoid. --- A few other things: --We are planning to revise Sheilun's Gift, as we agree it is ra...
For more information about Alpha testing and how you can opt in for a chance to participate in the Warlords of Draenor beta test later down the line, check out World of Warcraft®: Warlords of Draenor™ Beta Test Begins! Changes since last update to the patch notes are denoted in red...
The use of 225Ac in clinical practice is limited by its low availability. Breaking through this barrier would allow 225Ac therapy to spread widely. Automated synthesis and consistent patient doses are essential, regardless of the production route chosen for this α-isotope acquisition. 225Ac can ...
Due to the growing interest in systemic radiotherapies with alpha emitters in clinical practice, we recently characterized the DNA damage incurred after low dose (< 150 mGy) internal ex-vivo exposure of peripheral blood and its lymphocytes to the alpha emitters Ra-223 and Ra-224 [8,35]. Ra...
and in the treatment monitoring. We explored the diagnostic tools used in clinical practice and in research settings in order to clarify the imaging procedures that may support the PSMA-based TAT management, including both the patient’s selection and the therapy response monitoring, with a special...