(redirected fromAlpha and Omega (Christianity)) Thesaurus Wikipedia alpha and omega n. 1.The first and the last:"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord"(Revelation 1:8). 2.The most important part. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
I predict that an impetus will be the discovery of a habitable planet around the nearest pair of stars: Alpha and Beta Centauri. 我还认为,在离我们最近的双恒星系--半人马座α星和β星--发现一颗可居住的行星将是人类的一个动力。 article.yeeyan.org 4. Unfortunately, their method does not allow...
alpha centauri phr. 半人马座α星 omega centauri phr. 半人马座欧米伽球状星团 beta centauri phr. 马腹一 proxima centauri phr. 比邻星 alpha and omega 始终,全部;主要部分 alpha activation 阿尔法活化 alpha particle n.[核]阿尔法粒子 alpha ray 阿尔法射线,甲种射线 alpha acid 【化】 α酸...
Related to Alpha Centauri A: Beta Centauri, Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri BAl·pha Cen·tau·ri (ăl′fə sĕn-tôr′ē) n. A multiple star in Centaurus, 4.4 light years from Earth, whose three components form the brightest object in the constellation and the third brightest star...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook AFP (redirected fromalpha1-Fetoprotein) Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia </>embed</> foetoprotein fetoprotein alpha foetopr... alpha fetopro... AFP noun
alpha and omega alpha blocker alpha brass alpha bronze Alpha Centauri Alpha Crucis alpha decay alpha fetoprotein alpha foetoprotein Alpha Geminorum alpha globulin alpha iron alpha methyl dopa Alpha Orionis alpha particle alpha privative alpha radiation alpha ray alpha receptor alpha rhythm alpha software...
Das Sternensystem Alpha Centauri (auch Rigil Kentaurus oder Alpha Cantaurus gennant) liegt etwa 4,33 LJ von der Erde entfernt im Sternbild Centaurus, von dem sich auch sein Name ableitet. Bis heute wird darum gestritten, ob Alpha Centauri ein binäres
as a distraction. Likewise Beta Centauri is normally called as such. Those enamoured of applying another layer of naming to make the referent more obscure (more mysterious? more exotic?) won't like a plain name, of course, that merely tells you which constellation and suggests the brightness....
Explora Actual Cartografía: Alfa Centauri Epsilon Canaris III Enfermedades: Enfermedad de Sakuro TrasbordadorGalileo VII Razas: Enlaces externos MetamorphosisenMemory Beta, la wiki para trabajos bajo licencia deStar Trek MetamorphosisenStarTrek.com, la web oficial deStar Trek ...
1. <tool> A compiler generator written by Andreas Koschinsky <koschins@cs.tu-berlin.de> and described in his thesis at the Technische Universitaet Berlin. Alpha takes an attribute grammar and usesBisonandFlexto generate aparser, ascannerand an ASE evaluator (Jazayeri and Walter). ...