This new lineup from Garmin includes the Alpha 300/300i series of handhelds and the Alpha TT 25 and T 20 collars. Notable upgrades in this new series include improved battery life, a 3.5-inch touchscreen display, and the inclusion of inReach satellite technology. “Our most robust dog tra...
Alpha 300i K 售价约900欧元(约6800元),而 Alpha T 20 K 定位器售价为350欧元(约2650元),一套下来差不多快1万了,突然觉得苹果 AirTag 不这么贵了~ 扩展
The Garmin Alpha system can change the update rate collar at the full range capability of the system. NOTE: The Alpha 300 and Alpha 300i handhelds can have the update rate set on the collars to Dynamic Update, 2.5 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, or 2 minutes. Dynamic ...
适用佳明 Garmin Astro 320 430 Alpha50 Alpha 50码表硅胶保护套 广州市领元国际贸易有限责任公司 7年 回头率: 40.9% 广东 广州市天河区 ¥1.70 成交500件 适用Vivo iQOO Neo 9 pro 5G手机套保护壳空压阿尔法配件tpu软胶 广州市盛浩电子有限公司 16年 回头率: 50% 广东 广州市番禺区 ¥1.70 ...
One of the most obvious giveaways to the Alpha SL Anorak’s ultralight focus is its minimalist storage layout, which includes just a single chest pocket. The pocket is large enough to easily stow my large phone or Garmin inReach device, but I did find myself wishing for hand pockets or ...
适用Garmin DC50 Alpha100电池361-00029-02 珠海市香洲三柏电子产品商行 8年 回头率: 41.3% 广东 珠海市 ¥5.90 成交6个 松下纽扣电池极狐阿尔法AS S ARCFOX αS汽车钥匙电池 上海腾御实业有限公司 7年 回头率: 14% 上海市 ¥2.00 成交300个 适用于阿尔法giulia罗密欧汽车钥匙电池cr2032专用遥控...
猎犬追踪器天线 适用佳明Garmin Alpha 100 Astro 220 320 430 固定长度款 下单备注购买的颜色以及数量,不备注默认发黑色。 评价 订购说明 内容声明:阿里巴巴中国站为第三方交易平台及互联网信息服务提供者,阿里巴巴中国站(含网站、客户端等)所展示的商品/服务的标题、价格、详情等信息内容系由店铺经营者发布,其真实性...
-$0.11 misses by $0.01, revenue of $1.73m misses by $0.03m sa news thu, aug. 01, 2024 1 comment arbutus biopharma q2 2024 earnings preview sa news wed, jul. 31, 2024 amgen, garmin among relative market leaders poised to outperform in coming months: btig sa news tue, jul. 23, ...
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