And just for fun, here is an example of both terms being used in the same sentence: Remember to allot a lot of time to finding parking in the public lot. When should you use a lot vs. allot? Whenever you refer to a large amount of something, it is appropriate to use a lot. Us...
Here is an example sentence that correctly uses “a lot” and “allot.” There is a lot of reading to get through. You should allot at least 3 hours to complete it. So, to summarise, when considering alot vs. a lot, the answer is always a lot. Want to sharpen your business writing...
“A lot” vs. “alot” is the perfect example of this. One is a two-word phrase, and the other isn’t a word at all. But it is used in shorthand, informal writing scenarios – such as social media posts. Let’s take a look at “a lot” and “alot” so you can better unders...
5. I thought I knew a lot about basketball until I met PJ. Ready to Move Further in Your Understanding of Grammar? Mastering grammar is all about learning the fundamentals and then practicing them until the rules become second nature. We are here to help you make that process easy and enj...
A lot, alot, lots or allot? These four small words cause confusion to native speakers of English and those learning English as a second language. This lesson will teach you the correct ways to use these words, with lots of examples. After watching the cl
Here is an examplesentencethat correctly uses “a lot” and “allot.” There isa lotof reading to get through. You shouldallotat least 3 hours to complete it. So, to summarise, when considering alot vs. a lot, the answer is always a lot. ...