We restricted our definition of patients with PN as those who have at least two claims with the corresponding ICD-10-CM code, as used in previous studies. The use of private insurance claims may result in less generalizability to patients with public insurance. This study of retrospective ...
The primary endpoint was a new diagnosis of AA (ICD-10-CM-Code: L63). Adjusted incidence rate ratio (IRR) of developing AA was estimated using log-link Poisson regression model based on incidence density of case and control group. The model adjusted for (1) age and sex (2) demographic...
Adults?≥?18 years of age diagnosed with AA or PN were identified using previously validated approaches based on International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes. We designated five cohorts: 1. AA cohort: Patients with?≥?1 confirmed diagnosis of ...
Patients were considered to have moderate-to-severe AA if they were diagnosed with alopecia universalis (ICD-10-CM: L63.1) or alopecia totalis (ICD-10-CM: L63.0) or if they received prescriptions for any systemic immunomodulators, oral corticosteroids, nonsteroidal systemic...
Alopecia is an undesirable side effect of cancer chemotherapy. The mitigation of alopecia is a desirable adjunct treatment for patients with cancer. FDA-cleared scalp cooling (SC) devices have been successfully used to prevent or reduce chemotherapy-indu