The Game Alone in the Dark is back! In this love letter to the ground-breaking original, THQ Nordic and Pieces Interactive present you a re-imagination of the classic survival horror game, Alone in the Dark. Set in the gothic American south, you control one of our two protagonists: Play...
The Game Alone in the Dark is back! In this love letter to the ground-breaking original, THQ Nordic and Pieces Interactive present you a re-imagination of the classic survival horror game, Alone in the Dark. Set in the gothic American south, you control one of our two protagonists: Play...
Alone in the Dark 在《鬼屋魔影(Alone in the Dark)》的重制版中重返德西托庄园,品读这封献给90年代经典恐怖游戏的情书。 最近评测: 多半好评(134) 全部评测: 多半好评(1,989) 发行日期: 2024 年 3 月 20 日 开发商: Pieces Interactive 发行商:...
Alone in the Dark verwebt psychologischen Horror mit dem Charme des Southern Gothic und ist eine Reimagination des ikonischen Spiels, das das Genre geprägt hat. Wir laden dich auf eine Reise in den Wahnsinn ein, bei der jede Begegnung deine letzte sein könnte. Mit jedem von Dercet...
Return to Derceto Manor in this reimagination of Alone in the Dark, a love letter to the 90’s cult classic horror game.
关于这个 game 《独自在黑暗中》编织了一幅令人毛骨悚然的心理恐怖和南方哥特式魅力的挂毯,重新构想了为该类型设定基准的标志性游戏。我们邀请您加入我们的疯狂之旅,每一次遭遇都可能是您的最后一次。随着你每一步离解开德塞托的谜团越来越近,黑暗中注视着你的眼睛就会变得更加饥渴。每一颗子弹都意味着生存与难以想象...
Alone in the Dark weaves a chilling tapestry of psychological horror and Southern Gothic charm, reimagining the iconic game that set the benchmark for the genre. We invite you to join us on a journey into madness, where each encounter could be your last. With each step you take closer to...
Alone in the Dark 鬼屋魔影:重制版的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Alone in the Dark will provide a complete next-generation, action packed experience within a highly detailed, free roaming environment, featuring a mixture of real-time physics and full environmental interaction. The game will mark a new beginning for the Alone in the Dark series. ...