斯坦福的ALOHA家务机器人团队,发布了最新研究成果—Yell At Your Robot(简称YAY),有了它,机器人的“翻车”动作,只要喊句话就能纠正了!而且机器人可以随着人类的喊话动态提升动作水平、 即时调整策略,并根…
The new system developed by Stanford researchers builds on top of ALOHA, a low-cost and whole-body teleoperation system for collecting bimanual mobile manipulation data. A human operator demonstrates tasks by manipulating the robot arms through a teleoperated control. The system captures the...
智能佳机器人知识社区:rosrobot.cn/ 上图:ALOHA 2机器人每天能够收集1000次演示数据。下图:具有重力补偿功能的ALOHA 2工作单元详细配置图(重新设计的引导和跟随夹具以及安装摄像机的框架图像)。 ALOHA 2实验室建设 让我们先来一睹升级后的 ALOHA 2 能做些什么吧!!! 可以快速分拣不同玩具并放进三个不同碗里: ...
Stanford ALOHA是一个低成本、敏捷的机器人平台,整个系统是开源的,包括硬件设计、用于 3D 打印的 CAD 模型、模拟器和培训代码。ALOHA即“a lowcost opensource hardware system for bimanual teleoperation”,是一个用于双手远程操作的低成本开源硬件系统,可用于双手远程操作机器人执行精细、动态以及接触式丰富的任务。
根据INDIEGOGO的数据,Rux Robot的众筹金额已经高达115612美元,大约合人民币82万,吸引了超过350位支持者...
智能佳在斯坦福大学Swarm Robot Zooids集群协作机器人基础上开发出ROBOMAS群体移动机器人,可以实现群体机器...
·项目主页:https://aloha-2.github.io/ ·智能佳机器人知识社区:http://rosrobot.cn/ ·京东采购...
"To our knowledge, this represents the largest pre-training mixture ever used for a robot manipulation model," the researchers noted in their study. “据我们所知,这是用于机器人操作模型的最大规模的预训练混合数据集,”研究人员在研究中指出。
【斯坦福大学一团队发布Mobile ALOHA家政机器人】Researchers at Stanford University have developed Mobile ALOHA, an innovative bimanual mobile manipulator that brings advanced mobile manipulation capabilities to a low-cost robotic platform. Built upon the affordable ALOHA (A Low-cost Open-source Hardware) ...
The robot is modular and simple to repair: in the case of motor failure, the low-cost Dynamixel motors can be easily replaced. The robot can be purchased off-the-shelf for around $5600. The OEM fingers, however, are not versatile enough to handle fine manipulation tasks. We thus design ...