了一箱油,还车时就不需要再加满还了,欧胡岛很小,一箱没有用光还剩了很多,大岛用光后又加了20$,建议大岛租车汽油一定要Pay First比较省心。 相机: GOPRO HERO 4 BLACK CANON 6D+24 105+16 35 f/2.8 大疆spark无人机 APP: Google Map+Yelp 必须品: 1、>2套泳衣,建议一长袖防晒服,冲浪和浮潜...
随手一搜就发现了酒店附近这家类网红的餐厅(不知道是不是网红),就Yelp上评分不错,餐厅设置在二楼,楼梯上就十来个在排队的客人。我们也排队领了个叫号器,前台人员说预计要30分钟左右,于是我们就漫步到斜对面的码头。有人在垂钓,我们坐在一旁看,他说昨天有钓到很大的鱼,不过今天还没有... 回到餐厅里面,美食餐...
I am not sure about a coffee shop, but I loved the shaved ice. Had the recommended shaved ice drink (supposedly their most popular) and it was great. It was a combination of 3 flavors: peaches,... Someone I used to know recommend this place and is here to save us all from heat ...