nickel copper(alloy) 镍铜合金 最新单词 chromium iron的中文意思 铬铁 chromium ion的中文翻译及用法 铬离子 chromium impregnation什么意思及同义词 渗铬,铬化 chromium implements的意思 渗铬法 chromium glass什么意思及同义词 铬玻璃 chromium fog inhibitor的中文翻译及用法 铬雾抑制剂 chromium firebrick...
After the magnesium concentration in the molten alloy fell below 1.98 wt-%, the aluminum continued to react with the NiO cores to form additional Al2O3 at a constant growth rate controlled by the diffusion of the aluminum through the layers of the reaction products. On the other hand, the...
Minargent alloy (一种铜镍合金) 明纳金特合金 nicorros (合金) 尼科罗斯 nimonic (合金) 尼莫尼克 NewBide (硬质合金) 纽比特 zinc iron (中间合金) 锌铁 lithinit (硬质合金) 里季尼特 Nuloy (硬质合金) 纽络 gecalloy (一种合金) 盖克洛 Zodiac (电阻合金) 左迪阿克铜镍锌合金 ...
TiAlNb alloy: α = 3.75+ 5.16·10~(-3)T+1.89·10~(-6)T~2-2.69·10~(-9) T~3 [10~(-6) m~2 s~(-1)] (293 K < T < 1573 K) AlNi alloy: α = 4.77+ 5.41·10~(-2)T-7.14·10~(-5)T~2+ 2.88·10~(-8)T~3 [10~(-6) m~2/s] (373K ...
CSN 42 4320-1987炼制合金AlNi20 Alloying alloy A1Ni20 作废首页 标准 CSN 42 4320-1987 发布历史 CSN 42 4320-1987 发布历史CSN 42 4320-1987CSN 42 4320-1987 发布历史 CSN 42 4320-1987由CZ-CSN 发布于 1987-06-22。CSN 42 4320-1987 炼制合金AlNi20 的最新版本是哪一版?
Al-6at%Ni alloy has been selected to investigate the growth mechanism of Al 3 Ni phase as the primary phase precipitating from the melt. During directional solidification, at a growth rate of 5 m/s and a temperature gradient of 30K/mm, ...
读音:美英 frankia alni基本解释 弗兰克氏菌 分词解释 Frankia[微]弗兰克氏菌属 alni铝镍磁钢,镍合金钢 frankia alni是什么意思 frankia alni怎么读 frankia alni在线翻译 frankia alni中文意思 frankia alni的解释 frankia alni的发音 frankia alni意思是什么 frankia alni怎么翻译 frankia alni的中文翻译 frank...
High-Strength FeCrMo0.2(AlNi)0.5 High Entropy Alloy Strengthened by B2 Precipitate The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Al and Ni addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of FeCrMo0.2 alloy. The FeCrMo0.2 alloy displayed a disordered BCC solid solution ...
caloptilia alni 读音:美英 caloptilia alni基本解释 赤杨丽细蛾 分词解释 alni铝镍磁钢,镍合金钢
alni英音: ['ælni] 美音: ['ælni] 铝镍合金 相关短语 Dumet (铁镍合金) 杜美合金 Minargent alloy (一种铜镍合金) 明纳金特合金 nimonic (合金) 尼莫尼克 nicorros (合金) 尼科罗斯 lithinit (硬质合金) 里季尼特 Nuloy (硬质合金) 纽络 NewBide (硬质合金) 纽比特 zinc iron (中间合金) 锌铁...