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Axl closed off the whole left side of the arena of any noise for four hours while he took a nap. We had to go into a dressing room and no one could tune guitars or be on stage for four hours. That's heavy metal, and it's funny. ...
Axl closed off the whole left side of the arena of any noise for four hours while he took a nap. We had to go into a dressing room and no one could tune guitars or be on stage for four hours. That's heavy metal, and it's funny. ...
Axl closed off the whole left side of the arena of any noise for four hours while he took a nap. We had to go into a dressing room and no one could tune guitars or be on stage for four hours. That's heavy metal, and it's funny. ...
That's heavy metal, and it's funny. Axl Rose Berated His Stage Crew Over The Mic In The Middle Of A Show Photo: YouTube It's not uncommon for members of a band to have issues with the stage crew, but you very rarely see a singer walks off the stage to yell at the...
That's heavy metal, and it's funny. Axl Rose Berated His Stage Crew Over The Mic In The Middle Of A Show Photo: YouTube It's not uncommon for members of a band to have issues with the stage crew, but you very rarely see a singer walks off the stage to yell at the...
That's heavy metal, and it's funny. Axl Rose Berated His Stage Crew Over The Mic In The Middle Of A Show Photo: YouTube It's not uncommon for members of a band to have issues with the stage crew, but you very rarely see a singer walks off the stage to yell at the...
Axl closed off the whole left side of the arena of any noise for four hours while he took a nap. We had to go into a dressing room and no one could tune guitars or be on stage for four hours. That's heavy metal, and it's funny. ...
Axl closed off the whole left side of the arena of any noise for four hours while he took a nap. We had to go into a dressing room and no one could tune guitars or be on stage for four hours. That's heavy metal, and it's funny. ...
That's heavy metal, and it's funny. Axl Rose Berated His Stage Crew Over The Mic In The Middle Of A Show Photo: YouTube It's not uncommon for members of a band to have issues with the stage crew, but you very rarely see a singer walks off the stage to yell at the...