Nigerian land use demand model was estimated using the AIDS model. Results showed that restricted method of estimation gives a better result than the unrestricted considering the significance of hectarage elasticities. The assumption of homogeneity was violated by the unrestricted method of estimation. ...
weproposeandestimate anewmodelwhichisofcomparablegener- alitytotheRotterdamandtranslogmodels butwhichhasconsiderableadvantagesover both.Ourmodel,whichwecalltheAlmost IdealDemandSystem(AIDS),givesanar- bitraryfirst-orderapproximationtoanyde- mandsystem;itsatisfiestheaxiomsof choiceexactly;itaggregatesperfectlyover ...
The R package micEconAids provides a convenient interface for demand analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) and its linear approximation (LA-AIDS). The user can choose between various approaches for the econometric estimation, e.g. the "Iter- ative Linear Least-Squares Estimator."...
This article assesses the ability of the Rotterdam Model (RM) and of three versions of the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) to recover the time-varying elasticities of a true demand system and to satisfy theoretical regularity. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the RM performs better...
This paper provides an analysis of food demand in Spain for the period 1964–1989 estimating the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) with annual time-series of food expenditures divided into six categories. A dynamic version of the model incorporating habit effects captures the behaviour of the Span...
The Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LAAIDS) is used to estimate the parameters of aggregate food commodity groups. Due to the specific features of the data, spatial variations in regional prices are estimated and used as proxies for food prices (i.e. unit values) by ...
A necessary condition is derived for negativity in the almost ideal demand system (AIDS) when used with the Stone price index. This condition is very simple and can be examined by a t-test on a single equation within the framework of ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation.doi:10.1080/...
meat demandAnimal protein is one of the most important food products essential for normal growth of human body. The main objective of this study were to assess the demand of Saudi red meat, to estimate the system of Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) on various types of red meat and study...
(2006)运用波特的五力模型,研究日化产业的市场结构,借鉴消费者需求理论中的几乎理想需求系统(AlmostIdeal Demand System,以下简称AIDS模型)构建了我国日化产业的AIDS定量模型,研究居民收入和产品价格对市场结构的影响;蔡梦诗(2007)运用产业组织理论的经典范式SCP分析框架,结合我国美容化妆品业的实际,对我国美容化妆品业的...
Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Estimation of the Variance-Covariance Matrix for the Almost Ideal Demand Systemmathematical modelsdemand (economic theoryIn this note I demonstrate the previously overlooked fact that if the AIDS aggregate demand model is constructed as the aggregation of individual consumer ...