Almalaurea是于1994年成立的意大利大学联盟,主要目标是对意大利大学毕业生的概况和就业状况进行定期调查,其调研数据得到了多方认可。 2021年公布的最新调查报告覆盖来自76所意大利大学的29万余名毕业生,其中本科毕业生占比56.9%,研究生占比30.5%,本硕连读毕业生占比12.3%,其他课程毕业生占比0.3%。 毕业需要多长时间一直...
图|© 接受所有调查的威尼斯大学毕业生中,有5532名学生接受了毕业生情况调查,8590名学生接受了就业情况调查。调查的相关数据明确表明,威尼斯大学毕业生的就业率、实习率、海外经历以压倒性的优势超过意大利全国平均水平。 威尼斯大学毕业生的平均毕业年龄为24.9岁,略低于意大利全国毕业生平均毕业年龄2...
AlmaLaurea大学联盟公布《第22期毕业生概况及就业状况报告》。该调查覆盖76所大学,其中包含帕多瓦大学。帕多瓦大学在该调查中表现优异,90.4%的大学毕业生对大学经历、就业率及净工资感到满意。此比例高于意大利平均水平,尤其表现在毕业五年后。 帕多瓦大学本科毕业生一年内就业率超过83%。平均每10名毕业生中,有3名获得...
Bagues M F, Labini M S, 2009, "Do on-line labor market intermediaries matter? The impact of almalaurea on the university work transition", in Labor Market Intermediation, Ed D Autor (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL) pp 127-154...
teachersThe ALMALAUREA database offers broad documentation on the characteristics of university graduates who opted for a teaching career one year, three years and fivedoi:10.2139/ssrn.1532725Cammelli, AndreaFerrante, FrancescoGhiselli, SilviaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
and F. Pastore (2011), "Talking about the Pigou Paradox. Socio-Educational Background and Educational Outcomes of AlmaLaurea", forthcoming in the International Journal of Manpower.Caroleo, F.E. and F. Pastore (2012), "Talking about the Pigou Paradox. Socio-Educational Background and ...
E. and F. Pastore (2017), "Overeducation at a Glance: Determinants and Wage Effects of the Educational Mismatch, Looking at the AlmaLaurea Data", forthcoming in Social Indicators Research (also available as IZA dp, N° 7788).Caroleo, F. E. and Pastore, F. (2012), "Overeducation at a...
e F. Pastore (2017), "Overeducation at a Glance: Determinants and Wage Effects of the Educational Mismatch, Looking at the AlmaLaurea Data", forthcoming in Social Indicators Research.Caroleo, F.E., Pastore, F. (2017), "Overeducation at a Glance. Determinants and Wage Effects of the ...
Data Taken from Alma Laurea Website. It contains some information about the quality and the outcomes of probably the best masters in data science Italy offers. The data is obtained by Alma Laurea through surveys, this one dates back to 2022. Usability info 7.06 License Database: Open Database...