ALM-7001 调度器认证服务剩余日志空间小于设定阈值(次要) 告警解释 系统按周期性(默认60秒)检测Auth Server日志目录,当检测Auth Server日志目录所在文件系统可用磁盘空间小于或等于设定阈值时,则产生告警。 告警属性 告警参数 相关配置项 如果要开启或管理该故障告警功能,请修改如下配置项:
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Error code of the alarm, for example, Error code: 0x00007001. arg4 Optional parameters. Supplementary information about the alarm. Impact on the System The fan speed adjustment is affected. Possible Causes The sensor chip has failed or the ...
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