复数:alloys 搭配 同义词 adj.+n. metal alloy,steel alloy v.+n. alloy use 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 合金 2. (金银的)成色,成份 3. (合金中的)劣等金属 4. 〈比喻〉搀杂品 v. 1. 合铸,熔合(金属) 2. 在...中搀以杂质;使(金属)减低成色 ...
Define alloys. alloys synonyms, alloys pronunciation, alloys translation, English dictionary definition of alloys. a lower-quality metal mixed with a more valuable one; to debase, impair, or adulterate; fusion, blend, composite: Coins are often alloys. N
Interstitial alloysAlloys can also form if the alloying agent or agents have atoms that are very much smaller than those of the main metal. In that case, the agent atoms slip in between the main metal atoms (in the gaps or "interstices"), giving what's called an interstitial alloy. ...
通用术语 合金 alloy 具有金属性质,由两种或两种以上元素组成,且元素不能通过物理手段分离的物质。合金元素 alloying element 为了使金属具有某种特定的性能而加入或保留在基体金属中的金属或非金属元素。杂质 i…
Langley Alloys provides unique metals for demanding applications -- providing first-class performance and an international service.
Pairing machine learning and alloys has proven to be particularly instrumental in pushing progress in a wide variety of materials, including metallic glasses, high-entropy alloys, shape-memory alloys, magnets, superalloys, catalysts and structural materials. This Review examines the present state of ...
Alloys is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of alloys science and engineering, published quarterly online by MDPI. Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds will be launching a Special Issue in March 2025, which aims to explore the full potential of titanate thin films from synthesis, deposition over characterisation and the final integration. Submission deadline:01 September 2025 ...
from 2015 to 2020. Aluminum is projected to be the fastest-growing alloying element during the same period. Titanium as an alloying element will be the second-fastest growing alloying element from 2015 to 2020. Aerospace accounted for the largest share of the high performance alloys market in ...