Alloy Therapeutics empowers scientists with access to pre-competitive biologics drug discovery technologies and services across 6 modalities
Alloy Therapeutics empowers scientists with access to pre-competitive biologics drug discovery technologies and services across 6 modalities
欢迎关注凯莱英药闻 2025年1月7日,AlloyTherapeutics(“Alloy”)宣布,公司与赛诺菲(“Sanofi”)达成合作和许可协议,使用其新颖且专有的 AntiClastic 反义平台开发用于中枢神经系统 (CNS)的新型基因药物,旨在跨越血脑屏障。 根据协议条款,赛诺菲将向 Alloy 提供前期许可费和高达 2750 万美元的近期临床前里程碑付款;此...
Alloy Therapeutics inked an antibody discovery deal with Normunity Thursday to advance the latter’s immune normalizers, antibody therapies that boost the body’s natural immune system to fight cancer. November 17, 2022· 1 min read· Rosemary Scott Business Money on the Move: EnPlusOne, Cel...
1/7,赛诺菲(Sanofi)$赛诺菲-安万特(SNY)$与波士顿生物技术公司AlloyTherapeutics达成协议,将使用其AntiClastic Antisense平台开发一种能够跨越血脑屏障的基因疗法。 Alloy的技术旨在克服当前反义疗法的安全性和效能局限,通过在RNA水平上靶向细胞内目标。AntiClastic Antisense平台结合了治疗性主要序列的改进和核酸药物的新空间...
“Our Cambridge, UK research team has developed a cutting-edge workflow for generating transgenic animal models, strengthening Alloy’s position as a leader in this area of drug discovery,” said Davide Schiavone, Head of Genetically Engineered Organisms at Alloy Therapeutics....
Alloy Therapeutics is a biotechnology ecosystem company empowering the global scientific community to make better medicines together. Through a community of partners across academia, biotech, and the largest biopharma, Alloy democratizes access to pre-competitive tools, technologies, services, ...
Alloy Therapeutics, a biotechnology ecosystem company, announced the formation of its scientific advisory board (SAB) that includes a group of renowned experts in fields spanning immunology, protein engineering, T cell receptor (TCR) modalities, and more. The ...
4月2日,Alloy Therapeutics已经筹集了7500万美元,以帮助发展自己的药物开发平台,帮助生命科学界寻找和试验更多的药物。 这家总部位于波士顿的药物发现公司使用其ATX-Gx体内人类抗体发现平台,目前被生物制药...
CEO and founder at Alloy Therapeutics. “Alloy is helping to lower the cost of drug development by reducing our partners’ downstream payments dollar-for-dollar on their path to the clinic. Wheeler’s high-quality, predictable, fit-for-purpose approach increases the probability of success...