Alloy Forgery Overview Alloy smelter mod for Fabric This mod adds a configurable system of different Alloy Forges, which are 10 slot alloy smelters. You can configure what types of forges there are, which items act as fuel as well as how fast they are. If you want to contact us do it...
ReleaseR Aug 10, 2024 295.07 KB 127.5K 1.21.1+1 Fabric File Name alloy-forgery-2.4.1+1.21.jar Supported Versions 1.21.1 1.21 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:alloy-forgery-438718:5611901" Copy to...
Alloy Forgery mod增加了一个由数据驱动的多方块合金炉,可用于在原版中提高矿石产量,也可用于制造下界合金。由不同材料制成的合金炉在默认情况下分为的三个等级,每个等级都有不同的燃料容量和熔炼速度。 下载地址 提取码:1dc0支持的MC版本:Fabric:
Roughly Enough Items and EMI is supported! Development Discord: Join this is if you have any issues or need help adding new content
Alloy Forgery adds a multiblock alloy smelter, the Alloy Forge. In its base configuration it serves as an easy way to increase ore yield, but everything is data-driven allowing you to add new forges and recipes as you please. These data-driven features are mostly intended for mod and mod...