If you have a substantial amount of income outside your job, such as income from freelancing or money from investments, you should claim fewer allowances than you actually have. Claiming fewer allowances means the employer withholds more money from each paycheck, and that can reduce the amount ...
If you are unmarried with dependents, you can claim an allowance for head of household on line E of your W-4. Then check “single” as your filing status on line 3 of the allowance certificate. At tax time, you can file as head of household. Do not claim any allowances if you meet...
which helps him to determine the amount of state income tax to withhold from each employee's paychecks. The employee puts the amount of allowances that she's claiming on Line 4 of the form. An employer can use the employee's federal W-4 form for ...
UW1389-W4Rev.1/09 W-4Form---Employee’sWithholdingAllowanceCertificate SeeReverseSideInstructions PleasePrint.Thisisataxform.DonotusethisformforanAddressChangeonly(pleaseseetheEmployee InformationformUW1035availableathttp://.bussvc.wisc.edu/ecbs/pay-employee-information-uw1035-nf.pdf.) OneveryW-4formy...