Allowable Expensesmeans any Medically Necessary, Usual and Customary item of expense, at least a portion of which is covered under this Plan. When some Other Plan provides benefits in the form of services rather than cash payments, the reasonable cash value of each service rendered in the amount...
Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Allowable stressmeans the allowable stress for a material is the maximum stress that may be safely applied, which equalsthe yield-point stressdivided byan appropriatefactor of safety. Sample 1 Examples ofAllowable stressin a sentence ...
Allowable Expensesmeans any Medically Necessary, Usual and Customary item of expense, at least a portion of which is covered under this Plan. When some Other Plan provides benefits in the form of services rather than cash payments, the reasonable cash value of each service rendered in the amount...