I would now like for a few users (that are in the same sec.group) to be able to share outside the organisation. But even after enabling the option "Allow only users in specific security group to share externally" it does not work. Does our global setting need to be...
As a SharePoint Administrator or Global Administrator in Microsoft 365, you can restrict external sharing of SharePoint and OneDrive content so that only users in specific security groups can share externally. Note that the people in these security groups must be allowed to invite guests in theMic...
Hello everyone, Did someone find a solution to this problem? I used the mail enabled security groups BUT the users in that group still can't share files externally. Also note that if I untick the box: "Allow only users in specific securi...
Hello everyone, Did someone find a solution to this problem? I used the mail enabled security groups BUT the users in that group still can't share files externally. Also note that if I untick the box: "Allow only users in specific security groups to share externally", ...