sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ufw 接下来,我们需要启用UFW并允许多个端口。使用以下命令可以实现这一目标: sudo ufw allow [port_number]/[protocol] 其中,[port_number]表示需要打开的端口号,[protocol]表示需要开放的协议,如TCP、UDP等。例如,如果您想允许SSH端口(端口号22),并且使用TCP协议,则可...
UFW, or Uncomplicated Firewall, is a user-friendly tool that simplifies the management of firewall rules on Ubuntu Linux. It provides an easier way to control network traffic. You can allow or block access to specific ports, which improves the security of your server or VPS. Why Use UFW o...
Ubuntu comes withufw(uncomplicatedfirewall) installed by default. This is a frontend for iptables/nftables, the built-inLinuxfirewall, and is meant to make firewall management a bit easier. In this guide, you’ll see how to add rules to the firewall to open ports and allow certain service...
你可以使用在线服务如来扫描你的公网IP地址,并查看11434端口是否显示为开放。 尝试从另一台机器连接: 最直接的方法是尝试从另一台机器上使用如telnet或nc(netcat)等工具连接到你的Mac上的11434端口。如果连接成功,那么你的防火墙规则已经生效。
Now, with opening the Router Ports, nothing allows the "Pinging your computer" to pass. I've allowed the required ports for both inbound and outbound via Rules - no go. I've even shut down ALL firewalls - still no go. All 10 ports, 31400 - 31409 still display as NOT OPEN. ...
I can't get apps to communicate with each other via UDP ports unless I disable the firewall. v1zenith macrumors newbie Sep 22, 2024 1 0 Sep 22, 2024 #10 Bad packet length 2678558786. ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: Connection corrupted Yeah i have...
$sudoufw status As you can see, the ports in the Apache app profile are allowed. You can also block ports using the App profiles. To block the ports of an app profile (let’s sayApache), run the following command: $sudoufw deny Apache ...
$sudoufw status As you can see, the ports in the Apache app profile are allowed. You can also block ports using the App profiles. To block the ports of an app profile (let’s sayApache), run the following command: $sudoufw deny Apache ...